Friday, February 27, 2009

Teen Slang...Anyone?

I'm needing teen slang for my latest book, but I can’t seem to find anything that’s “suitable.” I’m from the “groovy” generation, so you can imagine the depth of my problem.

Please help, if you can. I need acceptably clean words for:





Awesome/Great - I did find that the teen slang word for this is “Sick.” Right? Although there seems to be some disagreement on this one. With most teens, awesome seems to be, well, still awesome! So, maybe I'm not so out of touch.

Want to find out your slang I.Q? Here's a fun test on, of all sites, Good Housekeeping! But, it's an easy way to find out if you’re “Groovy” or simply "Awesome."

Happy to hear some other suggestions, too, so my next book, "The Magician's Castle" can be simply "awesome!"

You can also check out the Urban Dictionary of Slang

Mary Cunningham

Mary Cunningham Books

Cynthia's Attic Blog

Quake Books

Pictures of our trip to Hainault Forest!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mais um selinho!

Gente, eu tô tão feliz! Mais um selinho que a Patrícia me mandou! É tão bom ser lembrada, ainda mais com a frequencia que eu venho recebendo tantos presentes!
E esse selinho vai para:

Beijos super carinhosos!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Snowbound Shed

I think I'm coming to understand the subtleties of the snow here in Sweden. Yesterday in the morning, it was only -1 deg C and by midday, we were up to plus 2! As a result there was a lot of melting snow and slush. Waking up this morning there had been a light snow 'shower' and the areas that were snow free yesterday, have a dusting of white again. The apples that we threw into the back garden for the deer and the birds sank into the snow but were visible, now they too are covered with a sprinkle of white. The birds still find them though, clever things that they are!

I did this drawing of the shed (which in Summer is going to be the playhouse) in the garden. It is a typical small Swedish garden shed. When I did this, the snow had melted quite a bit and the roof was nearly its normal dark colour. I have subsequently taken photographs of it covered in snow again, and will try and depict those at a later stage.

Have a Play Day!

You're never too old to have a Play Day or Play Date. It isn't something just for babies or toddlers.

Dogs have play days, so why shouldn't you?

You're never too old to play. Scientists say play is a vital part of childhood. It unleashes the imagination. It encourages creativity. It lets a child work out their fears or worries.

The same is true for teens and adults. Let yourself have fun. Do something that lets your creativity loose. Draw. Color. Dress a doll. Play with miniatures. (Pictured is the witch's greenhouse I'm working on. More pix, see my blog.) Make a card. Do rubber stamping or make a scrapbook page. Try a new hobby.

Enjoy yourself! You'll feel better. You'll have a better, more balanced view of life. You'll smile. And we all can use more of those, can't we?

** I collect miniatures. And Sam, with her bff Lita, are hunting for a lost miniature painting in Searching For A Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystery. Many of the miniatures described are in my collection. I'll be sharing some of those photos soon.

The Perils of Team Projects

It was probably Socrates, or some equally impressive scholar and mentor, who came up with the grand plan of partnering students for a single project, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. There wasn't a school year that went by that didn't involve at least one of these ominous team efforts. If the word on the street is right, partner projects seem to torment students today as well.

Oh, it all starts out fine, especially if you like who's on your team, but then someone (usually the person with all the notes) gets sick, someone else's dog eats the diorama, or someone just 'forgets' their part. Knowing you'll share the final grade, do you cover the weak link on the team, or just cross your fingers and hope for a miracle? When it's over, do you prepare a power point and take your case to the teacher, clearly labeling everyone who dropped the ball?

Partner projects are supposed to teach us how to work with others, how to organize an effort and how to blend individual talent into a cohesive presentation. Nice theory, but how do you make it happen? How do you influence others to participate when they'd rather use group research time to catch up on their sleep?

Looking back, I have to wonder if partner projects weren't created just for the amusement of the administration. It might have started as a social experiment complete with hidden cameras: leave children alone with an assignment and watch the sparks fly – from a safe distance. Or maybe those pesky projects gave the super smart kids a chance to be popular. Everyone envied the group with the genius, especially if they could convince the genius to do all the work.

I suppose partner and team projects are really opportunities to learn how to learn and there's no doubt it takes lots of practice to learn how to play nice with others. I'm trying to recall a team project that went smoothly…and coming up empty. Unless marching band counts? That's where I learned to apply humor, compassion, and snack foods in equal measure to soothe the wounded and weary during long practices and competitions.

Are there any perilous team tales in your past - or present?


Download the first Pixie Chicks story at Quake today and find more adventure with Regan's Dream Works novella in the Missing anthology available now from Echelon Press.
To learn more about Regan visit her website or her blog.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

De cara nova

Menias, não se assustem se cada vez que entrarem aqui estiver de um jeito diferente! É que estou fazendo umas experiências, então coloco, tiro, mudo de lugar, de cor, ma suma hora eu acho um jeito. Até lá...é cada hora uma mudança!


Monday, February 23, 2009


E-Books. These electronic books have slowly begun to gain recognition, especially with the younger generation. I myself, have my books - Where Are You? and Mr. Mysterious - solely available in E-Book format.

E-Books come in all different genres – just like paperback books do – with the wide variety of stories to choose from so a person is free to pick one that suits their liking. They have the ability to take a person on an amazing ride through the depths of its electronic pages in the same fashion that a paperback book is capable of.

With the rising appearance of E-Books on the reading scene, I know one person in particular who hates reading paperback books - she has fallen in love with E-Books. While she does own paperback books and will occasionally read a paperback novel when she cannot find the book available in E-Book format, she would much rather curl up in bed with her E-Book reader instead of a paperback.

So why don't you come and check out the teen E-Book titles from Quake now!

Alyssa Montgomery

O corredor

Quase toda casa ou apartamento tem corredor. Uns mais longos, outros mais curtos, mas eles estão lá! A maioria das pessoas não se preocupa com eles. Porque? Porque quando passamos por um corredor vazio, com paredes branquinhas não achamos que há algo errado. Mas, quando vemos um corredor bem decorado, aí sim, esse nos surpreende, talvez até mais que a decoração da própria sala ou quarto. Mostra que ali houve o cuidado de não deixar nenhum cantinho da casa esquecido.
Quem não acredita, observe esse antes e depois:

Então, inspirem-se, e decorem seus corredores!

:E para a área externa:


Motherwell's "Elegy to the Spanish Republic" at Phila Museum of Art

If you go to art museums, you surely know this is one of Robert Motherwell's over 200 versions of Elegy to the Spanish Republic. This one was painted in 1958-60 and is on display at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I saw this one again recently, and I have seen many similar versions in many other museums.

You can view some of my 3-D paintings on my website at

Fangs in school

On my other blog (, I discussed whether a boy should be expelled from school because of acne ... no, not that, heck, if acne was a reason to keep kids out of schools, they'd be empty.

What I meant to say, was if he got caught at school with a penknife.

Anyway, this touched on something from my upcoming book, Fang Face, where school authorities discuss banning a teenage girl from school just because of a little blood problem.

No, not anemia.

Her problem is that she likes blood. To drink. This isn't all of an uncommon feeling among her kind, seeing as she's in the process of being turned into a vampire.

But she isn't yet fully a vampire, and frankly, the law requires she attend school.

This was a fun thing to research. I called an administrator at the local high school, and asked her how a school might respond to something like this, and her answers surprised me.

I want to throw it out to y'all. How do you think a school should respond if it were asked to let a vampire attend classes with the other kids? And how might you respond if your child were in the same school?

The floor's open...


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mais selinhos!

Essa semana estive super em falta, mas fiquei muito feliz, por ter recebido esses dois selinhos. Dois que valem por quatro, já que fui presenteada duas vezes com cada um!

Esse eu ganhei da Keka e da Juuu :

Tem regrinhas:
1. Exibir a imagem do selo;
2. Postar o link do blog de quem recebeu o selo;
3. Escolher 10 mulheres bem resolvidas e distribuir o selo;
4. Avisar às escolhidas.

E este selinho vai para:

1 - Pucka
2 - Hazel
3 - Mog Maciel
4 - Patrícia
5 - Margaret
6 - Jo
7 - Elisa
8 - Talita
9 - Isabela Kastrup
10 - Raquel

E esse eu ganhei da Mog Maciel e da Patrícia :

As regras:Exiba a imagem do selo “Olha Que Blog Maneiro” que vc acabou de ganhar.Poste o link do blog que te indicou.(muito importante!).Indique 10 blogs de sua preferência.Avise seus indicados.Publique as regras.Confira se os blogs indicados repassaram o selo e as regras.Envie sua foto ou de um(a) amigo(a) para juntamente com os 10 links dos blogs indicados para verificação.Caso os blogs tenham repassado o selo e as regras corretamente, dentro de alguns dias você receberá 1 caricatura em P&B.

E este selinho vai para:
1 - Luana
2 -Edna Fdinha
3 -Má Leite
4 - Keka
5 - Juuu
6 - Luciana Barbosa
7 - Viviany
8 - Yvone
9 - Flávia
10 - Vanessa Senatore

Mog, Patrícia, Keka e Ju, obrigada pelo carinho!
Espero vencer minha correria e conseguir fazer algo pra postar rapidinho...
Bom canaval, aproveitem bastante!
Beijos a todas!

On the Road

Sunday today, and my grandson is going to have his birthday party although his birthday is still 4 days away. He will be 7 on Thursday.

The plan was to have the party outside where they could play and have a fire to cook sausages for hotdogs. But this morning we awoke to more snow and where there was a little bit of thawing, the world is now black and white again. And the snowflakes are swirling down. So no snowball fights, no building of snowmen, just indoor games.

During last weekend we went down to Stockholm and visited, yes, wait for it

As a South African, Ikea is a whole new world to us. There are no stores quite like it. And quite frankly, it's a whole lot warmer in a building than it is outside.

We also took a drive through to Uppsala, the university town which was founded in 1477.(the University, that is). The Swedish Institute of Space Physics is also there as is the Astronomical Observatory. All very high tech! It was also the main pagan centre in Sweden. I took some photos on the way there and from the blurry images and my memory, came up with this drawing.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I’m sitting in the stands at my son’s baseball practice right now. The coach just gave them the rules—not suggestions; not what he would like them to do, but what he demands they do—regarding sportsmanship. He just looked to the stands to tell us, the parents, the rules apply to us too. If we want to be present to watch our kid slam one over the fence, we have obey the rules of good behavior.

I’m pretty happy about that.

This week two basketball games in two different states have shown all of us the polar opposite sides of sportsmanship. In Mississippi in a not-so-friendly rivalry, the score got one-sided. The losing team began intentionally fouling to stop the other team’s drives to the basket. After one foul, two players began fighting. The benches cleared and before long, the fight spread to the fans—parents and other students—in the stands. When it was over, 12 people had been arrested, another dozen or so treated for injuries.

I sometimes see things in shades of black or white rather than grey. This is one. The high school athletics officials in Mississippi should suspend both programs for a year. Not fair to the players who didn’t start it? Too severe for those guys—who may not get to college otherwise—hoping to win a coveted full-ride athletic scholarship? Too bad. Fights like this don’t just pop out of nowhere. They’re bred from a culture of slack discipline.

Now to the other game. Dekalb, Ill. High School went on the road to play Milwaukee Madison. They, too, are rivals. Three hours before the game, the Milwaukee team surrounded their teammate, Johntel Franklin, as he stood in his mother’s hospital room as she lay dying. Her cancer had returned full force and the family decided to take her off life support. Johntel’s coach offered to cancel the game, but he said no. He told his coach and his team to go win it for him and for his mother.

The game started an hour late. Just as the 2nd quarter started, Johntel walked into the gym. His coach called a time out and told him to come sit on the bench with his team. He asked the coach if he could dress out and play. Illinois state athletic rules say if a player in not on the roster at the beginning of the game, the team has to take a technical foul, giving the opposing team two free foul shots.

The Dekalb coach, knowing Johntel’s mother just died argued with the referees for a full ten minutes, saying he didn’t want the points and asking them to just let Johntel play. The referees refused. Dekalb had to take the free throws, so the coach asked for a volunteer. The team captain raised his hand. The coach whispered something to him and he trotted to the foul line.

He bouced the ball, spun it in his hand and did what his coach told him to do—he threw the ball about two feet and let it dribble away. The second shot barely left his hand. The playing field level again, the teams resumed play. Johntel scored ten points—for his mom—and Dekalb, the team that gave up two gimme points, lost what turned out to be a very close game.

Sometimes winning is not measured by points on the scoreboard. It is definitely not determined by who gets the last punch in at a basketball game. Sportsmanship is high class. You don’t need to look any further than Dekalb High School to see that.

"Black Fire I" by Barnett Newman at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

All right, this blog is called "Contemporary Art Revealed," and I have posted about Impressionist, post-Impressionist, and Modern paintings over the past 10 days. So here's something from 1961, Black Fire I by Barnett Newman. Newman was known for his vertical stripes he called "zips" and for his large vertical blocks of color (often black). This painting is usually on view at the Philadelphia Museum of Art where I saw it again a week ago.

You can view some of my 3-D paintings on my website at

The wall label at PMA describes the painting as follows: "Black Fire I conveys a dark grandeur through simple means: the tensions between edge and field, opacity and transparency, order and spontaneity, black pigment and raw textured canvas." Wow. Sometimes a picture IS worth a thousand words.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mary Cassat at Philadelphia Museum of Art

On my visit a week ago to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, I again saw one of my favorite Impressionist paintings owned by the Museum. It has been off display for a while, and now it is back. The painting is Mary Cassatt's portrait of her sister Lydia at the Paris Opera House in front of a mirror which reflects the interior of the Opera House. It was painted in 1879 and is titled Woman With A Pearl Necklace in a Loge. It is bright, lively, and when you see it in person it's like you are there enjoying the opera scene with her.

Mary Cassatt was born in the Philadelphia area, and moved to Paris after art school at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in order to further her art career.

You can see some of my 3-D paintings on my website at

Dewey Readmore Books - One Special Cat

Must admit...I’m a dog person. But one special yellow cat stole my heart.

Dewey Readmore Books was the resident cat at Spencer Public Library, Spencer Iowa after a heartless soul dropped him into the library book return one cold January night in 1988. Library director, Vicki Myron, a single mother also in a struggle to get back on her feet after a series of tragedies, found him the next morning, hoarse from crying and suffering from frostbite.

He stole the hearts of the staff when, despite his discomfort, nudged each one of them in a gesture of thanks. Their decision to adopt him was rewarded by 19 years of loyalty. A contest was held to pick a name, and Dewey (named after Melvil Dewey of Dewey Decimal System fame) Readmore Books was officially added to the staff.

Patrons and friends donated pop cans and money, from as far away as New York, to pay for Dewey's food. Don’t get me wrong. Dewey was no charity case. As an official library staff member, he had his own job description.

Now, Vicki Myron has put Dewey's story in print. To "readmore" about this special cat, click on Amazon.

Or visit: Spencer Public Library

Mary Cunningham
Cynthia's Attic Blog

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Matisse "The Moorish Screen"

Henri Matisse painted The Moorish Screen in 1921. It shows his daughter Marguerite and his then-favorite model Henriette Darricarre in an interior of incredibly rich carpets and wall coverings and the titular Moorish screen. Although I have seen this on display at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, it is now on display in the Museum's Perelman Building as part of the exhibit "Henri Matisse and Modern Art on the French Riviera."

You can view some of my 3-D paintings on my website at

Numerologia da Casa

Diante do imenso sucesso do tema (pouco pretenciosa...), vamos agora ao número da casa!

É incrível, todos os que eu testei deram certo.

Some os números da sua casa ou apartamento (considere apenas os algarismos da sua porta), até chegar a um único dígito ou ao resultado 11, que tem uma designação especial.

Exemplo: 678 = 6 + 7 + 8 = 21 = 2+ 1 = 3

Caso tenha letras (A, B, FUNDOS), some também, seguindo a tabela:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Casa Número 1

Este número está relacionado à liderança e à autoridade, características eventualmente difíceis e embaraçosas para a convivência entre pessoas sob o mesmo teto. Se na casa já existem indivíduos com essas particularidades, a tendência é realçá-las ainda mais.

Casa Número 2

Número estritamente ligado à família. Estimula a diplomacia e a justiça, equilibrando as forças masculinas (ligadas à ação) e as femininas (as da recepção). Com ele, as brigas promovidas pela competição tendem a desaparecer.

Casa Número 3

Acredita-se que este seja o melhor número para a casa. Ele é o da comunicação, da alegria e do bom humor, ingredientes fundamentais para uma convivência saudável. Torna a casa também mais receptiva para festas e reuniões entre amigos.

Casa Número 4

Ligado à disciplina e à organização, o 4 costuma ser o número dos perfeccionistas. Por isso, tende a criar um clima pesado para a casa, onde pode imperar a rigidez e a falta de flexibilidade em aceitar as falhas humanas.

Casa Número 5

Eis o número ideal para aqueles que gostam de morar sozinhos. Ele está ligado às pessoas livres e independentes. Entretanto, para os que vivem só e se sentem infelizes com isso, 3 é o melhor resultado.

Casa Número 6

Para os amorosos, muito voltados para a família, esta é uma boa soma. Diz-se que é o número da casa das mães, onde todos se reúnem e as relações afetivas fluem livremente.

Casa Número 7

Indicado para aqueles que buscam interiorização. Estimula o isolamento e o auto conhecimento. É desfavorável para pessoas que se sentem solitárias, pois afasta visitantes.

Casa Número 8

Adapta-se melhor a endereços comerciais, uma vez que é um número voltado para coisas materiais. Para quem trabalha em casa, uma boa solução é criar uma entrada independente para o escritório, colocando aí a soma 8. Entretanto, as energias somente fluirão se as entradas forem respeitadas.

Casa Número 9

Identificado com forças espirituais, este numero lida com energias sutis, mais voltadas para o etéreo e para a coletividade. Não é bom para residências, mas funciona muito em organizações que servem a muita gente, como sindicatos, escolas, agremiações ou clubes.

Casa Número 11

Julgado por muitos numerólogos, o número perfeito, o 11 pode estar presente tanto nas casa como nas empresas. Ele amplia ideais de vida, desfaz a rigidez dos ambientes, estimula as pessoas a buscarem novas saídas para seus problemas e ampliar seus horizontes.

Façam suas contas!

Beijos a todas.


Pam's terrific post on Huck Finn got me thinking. I'll bet there are many other challenged books that would surprise people. It's not just small towns from a decade ago doing the banning, either, as in the movie Footloose (Does anyone still know that movie?) - I get several challenges each year on materials for teens in the library. While I do respond in a nice way to patrons who complain, I have not yet removed an item, and am lucky to have support in that decision from my director. But - lots of school and public library folks lose their jobs over this kind of thing - even today!

The American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom publishes a list each year of the most challenged books from the year before, and the reasons the books are challenged. Here's the most recent one - how many have you read?

The 10 most challenged books of 2007 (ranked in order) reflect a range of themes, and are:

1. And Tango Makes Three, by Justin Richardson/Peter Parnell Reasons: Anti-Ethnic, Sexism, Homosexuality, Anti-Family, Religious Viewpoint, Unsuited to Age Group
2. The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier Reasons: Sexually Explicit, Offensive Language, Violence
3. Olive’s Ocean, by Kevin Henkes Reasons: Sexually Explicit and Offensive Language
4. The Golden Compass, by Philip Pullman Reasons: Religious Viewpoint
5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain Reasons: Racism
6. The Color Purple, by Alice Walker Reasons: Homosexuality, Sexually Explicit, Offensive Language,
7. TTYL, by Lauren Myracle Reasons: Sexually Explicit, Offensive Language, Unsuited to Age Group
8. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou Reasons: Sexually Explicit
9. It’s Perfectly Normal, by Robie Harris Reasons: Sex Education, Sexually Explicit
10. The Perks of Being A Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky Reasons: Homosexuality, Sexually Explicit, Offensive Language, Unsuited to Age Group
There's Huck Finn at #5! This is the first year in a while that Harry Potter has not made the list, and I think Golden Compass took its place with the popularity of the movie. I'd be surprised if Twilight did not make the list for 2008. I've found that tell folks a book is challenged only makes people want to read it more!
-Amy Alessio
Editor, Missing: A Mysterious Gathering of Tales (Echelon Press, 2008)


Meninas, desculpem meu sumiço! É que no fim de semana foi aniversário do meu caçula (10 anos). Então, foi a semana passada inteira pra organizar tudo. E como, em casa de família festeira, a festa começa no sábado de manhã e termina no domingo à noite, também precisei me recuperar depois. Mas já estou pensando em alguma arte! Assim que ficar pronta, mostro pra vocês. Enquanto isso, não me abandonem, please!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Matisse "Still Life on a Table" at Perelman Bldg of Phila Museum of Art

The second of the two Henri Matisse still life paintings I referred to yesterday is Still Life on a Table painted in 1925, the year after the painting featured yesterday. This painting, not usually on view at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, is currently on view at the Perelman Building of the Philadelphia Museum of Art as part of the exhibit "Henri Matisse and Modern Art on the French Riviera." You can see many similarities between this painting and the one featured yesterday.

You can view some of my 3-D paintings on my website at

February 18: Still Newsworthy, Huck Finn Turns 125

by Pam Ripling

Raise your hand if you’ve read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain [pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens](1835-1910). If so, did you read it on your own, or was it assigned reading? What did you think about it at the time you read it? Has your opinion changed now that (if) you are older?

I ask these questions because while on the surface, this “classic” appears to be about a boy’s adventures on a river raft with an escaped slave, there are some very deep concepts between the pages of Twain’s sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. And while the escapades are wildly different than those of today’s youth, the protagonist’s underlying goals are the same: freedom and adventure.

Can you imagine being kidnapped by your own drunken father, whose intention is to steal money from you? No wonder Huck fakes his own death, steals a canoe and shoves off down the Mississippi River, content to go where the water takes him. When he comes across Jim, a runaway slave, they become natural traveling companions, each seeking a personal freedom as they traverse the river together.

The book was and still is considered nothing if not controversial. Many libraries banned the book, citing young Huck as sacrilegious, immoral, and his stories inappropriate for children. While some consider the story to be a satirical, powerful attack on racism, others claim its intent was inherently racist. Twain’s liberal use of the “n” word still shocks readers who may not realize the moniker was common language in the 1840’s, and the work would likely be deemed unrealistic without its use.

It might surprise you to learn that as recent as 1998, an Arizona high school parent sued a school district for mandating the reading of Huck Finn, asserting that the book exacerbated existing racial tensions between students.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was first published in 1884, in England, and in 1885 in the U.S. One-hundred twenty-five years later, the debate, and the book’s reputation as a “classic”, still stirs controversy. One might well wonder if Twain really intended to evoke emotion with a strong statement about the human condition, or if he was just writing an adventure story about a boy, his friend and their travels down the Mississip. What do you think?

Pam Ripling is the author of middle-grade mystery, LOCKER SHOCK! Buy it at Quake, Fictionwise or Amazon today! E-book version now available for your Kindle! Visit Pam at

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Matisse "Still Life" at Perelman Bldg Phila Museum of Art

Two Henri Matisse still life paintings that are not usually on display are now on display at the Perelman Building of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. This one was painted in 1924 and is titled Still Life. You can see Matisse really loved his textiles.

You can see some of my 3-D paintings on my website at