Tuesday, October 4, 2011


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Daily Thoughts 10/4/2011

Le Pêcheur à la ligne, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1874 Oil On Canvas
Daily Thoughts 10/4/2011

I read some more of A First Rate Madness this morning.  The author delves into William Tecumseh Sherman's bouts of melancholy during the United States civil war and Ted Turner's manicly driven behavior when he was founding CNN.

This morning, I checked the Twitter and Facebook account, checked the gift books, and printed up some fliers to make sure the racks for fliers were full.  I also created a display of New York biographies.  The Biography Book Club which is meeting on October 18, 2011 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. is reading different biographies of people who are from New York.

I also spent some more time on Lynda.com studying Microsoft Word 2007.

I did the monthly statistics for programs.  Things are moving along steadily.  We have the Beginning Computer Class tonight from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.  It has been growing steadily.  I am thinking we might do another computer class.

Boráros square


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via Budapest daily photo by Zsolt on 10/3/11


I don't know why they call this square Boráros..it has to be Borárus which means wine seller. But Boráros…


Things you can do from here:


Monday, October 3, 2011

Saint Francis of Assisi

Still Life with Three Birds Nests
by Vincent van Gogh

Where is he, the clear one
whose song has died away?
Do the poor, who can only wait,
feel that young and joyous one among them?

Does he rise for them, perhaps at nightfall—
poverty's evening star?

The Book of Hours III, 34


Daily Thoughts 10/3/2011

Dirk van Hoogstraten, Bearded Man Reading, c.1630

Daily Thoughts 10/3/2011

I read some more of Damon Runyon a Life.  The book is quite enjoyable.  He introduced a number of boxers as a sports writer including Joe Louis.

This morning, I checked the displays and updated the Twitter and Facebook accounts.  I also spent some time weeding in the graphic novels section.

This afternoon, the books A First Rate Madness Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness by Nassir Ghaemi and Everything On It by Shel Silverstein came in for me to read.  A First Rate Madness is on the New York Times Bestseller list.  I very much enjoy reading Shel Silverstein, one of my favorite books of poetry is Where The Sidewalk Ends.  I also like his childrens book The Giving Tree.

I found out that New York Comic Con sold out of Professional Passes.  There should be a lot of librarians there.

I read some of A First Rate Madness on the train home.  The book posits that during times of crisis it is important to have leaders who are a little bit insane who can deal with abnormal situations.  It also states that during times of stability, it is important to have leaders that are more sane.  It is an interesting idea, but not completely believable.

I also finished reading Damon Runyon A Life.  Near the end of the book, Jimmy Breslin writes a bit on Guys and Dolls, the Broadway play which is based on different pieces of Damon Runyon's short stories.  Damon Runyon's short stories are considered classics.

Web Bits

Our Ebook Future-- Digital Shift



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via Moscow Daily Photo by Irina on 10/3/11

The tiny cafe at Nikitsky boulvard. 6 small tables, coffee smell, shop in the basement, and the blackboards, full of notes, sketches, thoughts, announcements, full of moments of life.

Link to cafe's website.
Google map.

Posted by Irina.


Things you can do from here:


Sunday, October 2, 2011


A Wheatfield with Cypresses

Like a flag, I am surrounded by distances.
I sense the winds that are coming
and must live them
while the things below do not yet stir.
Doors still close gently
and windows don't shake.
Ashes lie heavy on the hearth.

But I know about gales
and I shudder like the sea.
I unfurl myself and fold in again
and flail back and forth,
all alone in the great storm.

Book of Images

Daily Thoughts 10/2/2011

James M. Cain author of Double Indemnity and The Postman Always Rings Twice.

Daily Thoughts 10/2/2011

I read some more of Damon Runyon A Life.  Jimmy Breslin is writing about Damon Runyon's coverage of the mafia.  The stories about Dutch Schulz, Owen Maddey and Al Capone are quite entertaining.   The reader gets the feeling that Damon Runyon was very unpleasant, liked larceny too much, but had a very interesting life.

I also spent some more time on Lynda.com learning about Microsoft Word 2007 and Drupal 7.  I only have access to the training videos for two months, so I think that I should focus on this.

I spent a little bit of time on Facebook and Twitter this evening.  This is a reminder that library ebooks are available for Kindle owners  http://westchester.lib.overdrive.com/FE4723DE-AECE-46F0-966E-7055335E7709/10/411/en/SearchResults.htm?SearchID=757705s&SortBy=CollDate 

If you have an Iphone, or Ipad you can download BookMyne to use the Sirsi catalog.


Del Miedo al Amor

Todo sistema de pensamiento en el cual basamos todas nuestras ideas se sustenta en el miedo y nuestra voluntat real, se sustenta en el Amor

"Siempre que tienes miedo te engañas a ti mismo"

Si sientes miedo te estas equivocando.. no hay motivos para sentir miedo.

Siempre que has sentido miedo te has inventando un pensamiento que pudiese ocultar de tu conciencia la presencia del AMOR , la presencia de quien eres.
Amor, no como sentimiento o emocion de amor, sino a esa conciencia plena ,eterna que representa el Amor.

Sergi Torres

Minha guirlanda by Ruby (e mais uma superação)

Olá meninas,
Quando a Ruby fechou a lojinha eu fiquei triste. Sempre achei tudo dela lindo, mas ainda não tinha comprado nada. E com o fim da lojinha, ia ficar sem uma obra dela.
Acontece que alguns dias atrás a Ruby colocou uma nova fornada de artes à venda, e entre elas, uma guirlanda linda!

Meus olhos se encheram de desejo e corri pra escrever para ela. Mais alguns dias, chegava a minha guirlanda. E com ela, a dúvida: Onde colocar?
A resposta óbvia é que seria na porta da entrada. Seria, se a porta não fosse de vidro, dessas de correr.
Aí hoje, passando pelo blog da Pri, vi a guirlanda dela e, de repernte, descobri onde colocar a minha: na porta do meu ateliê!
Saí correndo para colocá-la no lugar. E eis que surge um novo problema: o prego! Sim minhas amigas, eu nunca havia batido um prego... Medo, insegurança, desespero... E se eu fizer um rombo na porta e não der certo? E se eu martelar o dedo? E se?
Por outro lado, bati o olho na minha mesinha azul e no que estava escrito lá: "O limite é um conceito que depende de cada um."
Então, munida de um martelo de bater bife e toda a coragem do mundo, bati o prego na porta. E não é que deu certinho?
E assim, minha guirlanda foi para a porta do ateliê:

Agora me conta, você já bateu pregos? Sabe trabalhar com furadeira? Diz aí, me mata de inveja e motivação!