Wednesday, August 31, 2011


painting by Marc Chagall

There were a few of us, playmates
in the scattered gardens of the city.
Remember how we found each other
and hesitantly liked each other,

and, like the lamb with the talking scroll,
spoke in silences. The good times we had belonged to no one.
Whose could they be? They disappeared amid all the hurrying people
and the worries to come with the long years.

Wagons and trucks rolled by. We didn't care.
Houses rose around us, solid but unreal, and no one knew us.
What, after all, was real?

Nothing. Only the ball, the beautiful arcs it made.
Not even the children were real, except for the moment
of reaching up and ah! catching the ball.

Sonnets to Orpheus II, 8


Ain't superstitious
Black cat crossed my trail
I ain't superstitious
But a black cat crossed my trail
Bad luck ain't got me so far
And I won't let it stop me now

Daily Thoughts 8/31/2011

Arna Bontemp, Painting by Betsy Graves Reyneau, provided by the National Archives and
Records Administration as a cooperative project with Wikimedia

Daily Thoughts 8/31/2011

This morning, I read some more of Hard Magic.  There is a lot of action in the story, plus there are a lot of different types of people with different powers.  The story is very clearly one of good versus evil.

I spent some more time on the Twitter and Facebook account.  I also checked the displays and put some books on 9/11 in the current events display.  I spent some more time checking on databases and the website as well.

I also had some time to read through Publishers Weekly today.  I put A First Rate Madness Uncovering the Links Between Leadershiop and Mental Illness by S. Nassir Ghaemi on hold.  I am looking forward to reading The Price of Civilization: Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity by Jeffrey D. Sachs when it comes out in October.

The book, No Shelf Required E-Books in Libraries by Sue Polanka came in for me to read.  It is also a blog

On the way home, I finished reading Hard Magic. It had lots of action and fighting.  It was worth reading.

Web Bits

Sony Tablets Coming in September

Sony Announces First Dedicated Ereader With Wireless Access

Tocando el cielo

Con lágrimas en los ojos pedía que estuvieras a mi lado.
Algo me hace pensar que puedes ser tu ese alguien.
Creo que ya te conozco
Intuía que estabas y no muy lejos
Te he sentido en cada poro de mi piel
He volado y tocado el cielo contigo
Los corazones no tienen distancia

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Innerness of All Things

Beach with Figures and Sea with Ship

You create yourself in ever-changing shapes
that rise from the stuff of our days—
unsung, unmourned, undescribed,
like a forest we never knew.

You are the deep innerness of all things,
the last word that can never be spoken.
To each of us you reveal yourself differently:
to the ship as a coastline, to the shore as a ship.

From the Book of Hours II, 22




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via Moscow Daily Photo by Irina on 8/30/11

I saw this installation when driving back to Moscow along the Minskoe road.
The bottle is full with parts of the cars which were damaged in the accidents committed by drunken drivers. Impressing.


Things you can do from here:



It broke Rin Tin Tin's heart to learn that his master had taken an arrow to the head from Crazy Horse. Lieutenant R.I.P. Masters, too.

Conhecendo meu futuro novo lar

Acabei de conhecer aquele que será o meu lar nos próximos tempos.
Sim, eu aluguei sem conhecer.
Não, eu não sou maluca.
Aqui é muito difícil um imóvel para alugar. Principalmente se for um imóvel maior e bem localizado.
Então foi assim, fechei o aluguel ontem e hoje fui ver a casa.
Eu tinha uma vaga ideia do que era a casa, já tinha ido a alguns aniversários lá (anos atrás, diga-se de passagem), mas nunca tinha rodado a casa toda. Sem contar que uma coisa é ver a casa de alguém, com seus móveis, seu estilo. Outra coisa, bem diferente, é olhar para essa mesma casa vazia, sabendo que você irá morar lá.
É uma casa grande, os meninos continuarão a ter seus quartos separados, o que já é um alívio. De quebra, ainda tenho um cômodo com opção de hall ou ateliê.
Ainda não me decidi. Adoraria fazer um lindo hall ali, mas se não tiver outro local para o ateliê, então será lá mesmo.
Todos os quartos tem varanda, o que é um conforto a mais.
Sentirei falta de armários na cozinha, mas poderei ter uma mesa ali. Oba! Já não via a hora!
E ainda tem despensa, não sentirei tanta falta do armário da parede... Pensando bem, acho que só sentirei falta de mesmo é do local. Porque trabalhar ao lado de casa e ainda ter um supermercado no primeiro andar deixa a gente muito mal acostumada.
Por outro lado terei quadros e prateleiras, o que minhas antigas paredes não suportavam!
Nem todos os meus móveis irão para a casa nova, alguns serão substituídos, outros serão renovados. Hoje começo a embalar as minhas coisas. E até sábado já estarei lá.
Torçam para que minha mudança seja tranquila, para que eu consiga fazer minhas pinturas e preparem-se para palpitar bastante, conto com vocês para fazer da minha casa alugada um lar bem aconchegante.

Daily Thoughts 8/30/2011

Magyar Posta, Fairytales

Daily Thoughts 8/30/2011

This morning, I spent some time checking links on the website.  I also updated the Twitter and Facebook accounts.  I am just getting used to the idea of hashtags. 

I also checked all the displays and looked through the bookstore.  There were a few books worth adding to the young adult collection.

We are having our website committee meeting this evening which should be interesting.  I spent some time writing some more time checking for link errors today.

This afternoon, we had a session discussing the different services we have available to the local schools.  We have a very large science experiment collection, lots of classic novels and plays, and lots of test preparation material for the Regents exams and advanced placement exams.  We also have the online learning service, Learning Express which has quite a bit of test preparation material for high school as well as which offers online tutoring.

I had the briefest chance to crack open a copy of the New York Times Book Review.  I placed the book, The Magician King by Lev Grossman on hold because of this.

We had a meeting tonight to discuss different issues around the website.  A lot of it was about making corrections to the website and wireless access.  I also mentioned  SirsiDynix Bookmyne  We also discussed different issues around the databases as well.  We may be getting a catalog computer next to the circulation desk and a few other adjustments.  I have started putting in hashtags in Twitter  I also have to setup a Youtube channel for the library.  This should be a very interesting project to start.  I have been posting photographs of events on our Facebook page.
I am enjoying working with social media.

On the way home, I read some of Hard Magic by Larry Correia.  This is a novel of magic, gangsters, g-men, and good versus evil in an alternate 1930s.  It has all the elements of a mens adventure magazine with lots of pulp style action.  It is very enjoyable if you want a bit of escapism.


Os detalhes da mesinha

Bom, ontem mostrei a mesinha, hoje vou contar para vocês o que significa cada detalhe:

1 - Caixinha que ganhei da Tri no sorteio de aniversário do blog dela.
2 - Dama antiga, presente da minha avó. Na verdade era um abajour, a base (onde estavam os sapatinhos dourados) se quebrou e até que eu descubra como se cola porcelana ela me serve de enfeite. Essa é uma das lembranças que guardo dela. Aliás, sou a única neta cheia de presentes da Vó Lourdes, fazer o quê se eu sempre fui a preferida...
3 - Despertador: Andando pela rua me deparei com ele e comprei, ainda sem saber onde ia colocar. O lugar foi sugestão do filho mais velho.

4 - Torre Eifel: cópia da Ruby, para que eu sempre queira fazer as coisas, até ter uma casa tão fofa quanto a dela.
5 - Caixas: cada uma veio de um filho. A maior veio com uma peça que o filho mais velho usou na rede da loja, a menor, veio com um tênis do filho mais novo. Caixinhas na mão, foi só encapar com contact.
6 - Pranchetinha: Feita para a loja, mas que eu acabei deixando por aqui mesmo, por pura paixão. Os pés foram presente de uma amiga, quando eu disse que queria um desses, tirou o da vitrine dela.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Not Poor

La Branche, by Marc Chagall

We are not poor. We are just without riches,
we who have no will, no world:
marked with the marks of the latest anxiety,
disfigured, stripped of leaves.

Around us swirls the dust of the cities,
the garbage clings to us.
We are shunned as if contaminated,
thrown away like broken pots, like bones,
like last year's calendar.

And yet if our Earth needed to
she could weave us together like roses
and make of us a garland.

For each being is cleaner than washed stones
and endlessly yours, and like an animal
who knows already in its first blind moments
its need for one thing only—

to let ourselves be poor like that—as we truly are.

The Book of Hours III, 16


Daily Thoughts 8/29/2011

Cover of the October 1920 issue of Popular Science magazine, painted by American illustrator Norman Rockwell It depicts an inventor working on a perpetual motion machine. I did a lot of driving today so I feel a little bit like I've been in perpetual motion.

Daily Thoughts 8/29/2011

I did not do any reading like I usually do.  I spent a little bit of time on the Twitter and Facebook account.  I also spent some time preparing for the website committee meeting tomorrow.  We have a lot to discuss.  This ranges from social media to databases to search engine optimization to the website itself.  Part of this was polishing some reports and thoughts on what I was going to talk about.  I also spent some time checking links on the website to make sure they worked.

I also finished taking a course by Jill Whelan, SEO Search Engine Optimization Getting Started on  So far, the training has proved to be excellent, easy to understand, and quite useful.


Ateliê organizado e... mudança!

Olá meninas!
Eu já falei várias vezes que tenho um quarto só para as minhas artes. Eu sei que é um privilégio, sonho de consumo de muitas blogueiras, mesmo assim ele sempre ficava bagunçado e feioso. E eu, numa correria louca, cada vez com menos tempo para ficar ali.
Então chegou o dia que resolvi dar um basta! Depois de pintar a escrivaninha azul e a mesa branca, resolvi que era hora de por ordem naquela bagunça. Passei o fim de semana organizando o ateliê. Não ficou ainda tudo do jeito que eu queria, mas já dá pra mostrar para vocês um pouquinho:

Os detalhes eu mostro no próximo post e explico cada um deles.
 Agora, antes de contar a novidade, reparem duas coisas na foto:
1 - O estado da parede
2 - A mancha de tinta branca no assoalho

Não preciso dizer que a mancha é resto das pinturas que andei fazendo ali na semana passada. A questão é que ela não será removida. Ela irá permanecer ali enquanto esse assoalho ali ficar.
Loucura? Exentricidade?
Nada disso!
Conferiram as paredes? Deu pra ver que eu moro numa casa veeeelha? Pois então, estou de mudança!
Lá no fim do ano passado, nos meus desejos para 2011, o meu desejo nº1 era justamente a reforma da casa. E chegou a tão sonhada hora! E eu estou feliz da vida de sair da minha casa própria para ir para uma casa alugada, que será, provavelmente, o meu lar nos próximos dois anos.
Dei forma ao ateliê num fim de semana pra desmontar tudo no outro. Quer saber? Tô feliz assim mesmo!
E essa semana será hora de empacotar algumas coisas, pintar outras (pra aproveitar o chão que eu posso sujar e não limpar), fazer aquela triagem do que é lixo, o que é doação e o que vai pra casa nova. Tudo aquilo que uma mudança exige e que eu já sentia falta depois de quase 11 anos na mesma casa.
É muito trabalho e talvez eu não consiga visitar vocês. Dou uma fugidinha pra fazer os posts e mostrar um pouco do que irei aprontando esses dias. Então, tenham um pouco de paciência e não me abandonem, assim que possível retribuo todas as visitas.
Ótima semana pra vocês, que seja tão feliz quanto a minha!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

This Vast Landscape

Landscape study after nature

Here in this vast landscape, swept by winds from the sea, I wonder if there is any person anywhere who can answer the questions that stir in the depths of your being. For even the best miss the mark when they use words for what is elusive and nearly unsayable. But nonetheless, I believe you are not left without a solution, if you turn to things like those that are refreshing my eyes. If you ally yourself with nature, with her sheer existence, with the small things that others overlook and that so suddenly can become huge and immeasurable; if you have this love for what is plain and try very simply, as one who serves to win the confidence of what seems poor: then everything will become easier for you, more coherent and somehow more reconciling, perhaps not in your conscious mind, but in your innermost awareness.

Worpswede, July 16, 1903
Letters to a Young Poet



Daily Thoughts 8/28/2011

Tottering Under The Weight of Knowledge, Atalanta Magazine, 1888 

Daily Thoughts 8/28/2011

Last night I finished reading Ghost In The Wires by Kevin Mitnick.  I found it amazing that someone was willing to break into computer systems to get code simply because they were interested.  I guess this is why I am not a hacker.  I also was amazed that people would buy Kevin Mitnick's books The Art of Intrusion and The Art of Deception after he spent so many years in jail for hacking.

I also read some more Made to Stick.  Right now, I am reading about how to make your ideas more concrete and understandable.  It is useful information, but not particularly exciting.

This morning, I took another course from instructed by Jill Whelan, SEO Search Engine Optimization Getting Started.  I have two months of training for free coming from my job on so I figure that I might as well take advantage while I can for free.

I also spent a bit of time on Facebook and Twitter this morning.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Like a Metal That Hasn't Been Mined

Mont Sainte-Victoire, by Paul Cézanne

You, mountain, here since mountains began,
slopes where nothing is built,
peaks that no one has named,
eternal snows littered with stars,
valleys in flower
offering fragrances of earth. . . .

Do I move inside you now?
Am I within the rock
like a metal that hasn't been mined?
Your hardness encloses me everywhere. . . .

Or is it fear
I am caught in? The tightening fear
of the swollen cities
in which I suffocate. . . .

The Book of Hours III, 2

Daily Thoughts 8/27/2011

Charles Frohman presents William Gillette in his new four act drama, Sherlock Holmes, Metropolitan Printing Co., 1900

Daily Thoughts 8/27/2011

It is raining lightly outside.  I finished taking the class from Social Media Marketing with Facebook and Twitter.  I think I am going to focus a bit on something else. I updated the Four Square Page for the Mount Vernon Public Library

We have enough friends now on the Facebook page to have a much shorter link to get there.

I also have been reading a little bit lately about search engine optimization.  I submitted the library site to the Yahoo directory and DMOZ recently.  I also spent some time looking up keywords.

Hopefully, learning these skills will be useful.