Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Daily Thoughts 8/30/2011

Magyar Posta, Fairytales

Daily Thoughts 8/30/2011

This morning, I spent some time checking links on the website.  I also updated the Twitter and Facebook accounts.  I am just getting used to the idea of hashtags. 

I also checked all the displays and looked through the bookstore.  There were a few books worth adding to the young adult collection.

We are having our website committee meeting this evening which should be interesting.  I spent some time writing some more time checking for link errors today.

This afternoon, we had a session discussing the different services we have available to the local schools.  We have a very large science experiment collection, lots of classic novels and plays, and lots of test preparation material for the Regents exams and advanced placement exams.  We also have the online learning service, Learning Express which has quite a bit of test preparation material for high school as well as Tutor.com which offers online tutoring.

I had the briefest chance to crack open a copy of the New York Times Book Review.  I placed the book, The Magician King by Lev Grossman on hold because of this.

We had a meeting tonight to discuss different issues around the website.  A lot of it was about making corrections to the website and wireless access.  I also mentioned  SirsiDynix Bookmyne http://www.sirsidynix.com/products/bookmyne.  We also discussed different issues around the databases as well.  We may be getting a catalog computer next to the circulation desk and a few other adjustments.  I have started putting in hashtags in Twitter http://www.hashtags.org/library.  I also have to setup a Youtube channel for the library.  This should be a very interesting project to start.  I have been posting photographs of events on our Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/mountvernonpubliclibrary%20
I am enjoying working with social media.

On the way home, I read some of Hard Magic by Larry Correia.  This is a novel of magic, gangsters, g-men, and good versus evil in an alternate 1930s.  It has all the elements of a mens adventure magazine with lots of pulp style action.  It is very enjoyable if you want a bit of escapism.

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