Monday, August 31, 2009

Daily Thoughts 8/31/2009

This picture was taken by David M. Alexander in the early 1980s on Jack Vance's boat in San Francisco Bay. Alexander has hereby released his copyright to the picture and has placed it in the public domain to be used for any purpose and by anyone who wants to use it, as long as he is credited as being the photographer. Hayford Peirce 20:16, 3 April 2006 (UTC)

Daily Thoughts 8/31/2009

This morning I was at the mechanics for my car inspection which passed. I sat in the waiting room and finished reading The Management Myth and The Practice of Management. I even had a chance to write the rough drafts on my thoughts on these two books. The waiting room had coffee, but no donuts. I guess they are trying to save money.

The Management Myth Why The Experts Keep Getting It Wrong by Matthew Stewart.

Matthew Stewart has a Ph.D. in philosophy. This is both the story of how he became a business consultant and a critique of the practice of business management. Mr. Stewart uses his background to attack the foundations of management theory initially focusing on Frederick W. Taylor and Elton Mayo, both who are considered to be cornerstones of the concept of "scientific management." He does not critique Edward Deming or Peter Drucker, however.

The book can be funny, pointed, and acerbic. He has quite a bit of bile for consulting. He makes some very irreverent claims; the moment a consultant says the word strategy you start paying money and the real purpose of consulting is to do the things which a company cannot do by itself but knows needs to be done. There are points where the book became hard to read because there was so much angst.

We learn about hunting whales or clients flush with cash. Simple principles like the Pareto or the 80/20 Principle allow consultants to create self evident truths they can charge for. The world of consulting that Matthew Stewart describes is one of excessive pay, venality, and a focus on short term business gains above all else.

The book attacks many of the accepted ideas in business. He points out most business gurus rely on past data from successful companies to make their points, there is a utopian streak in the idea that workers will accept lower pay and higher performance, and points out numbers often don't predict the future.

If you can take a lot of angst, black humor, and a story of greed and lawyers you may like this book. Matthew Stewart ultimately successfully sued his employer for not paying him to be let go from his consulting practice. If you also want a very pointed attack on the underlying assumption that business management is reasonable and an MBA (Masters in Business Administration) is useful read this book. It pricks and deflates many assumptions.

The Practice of Management by Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker claims to be the father of modern management practice. When reading his books, his ideas come across as being authoritative and sensible. They also seem more philosophical to me than anything else. A lot of his thoughts are focused on ethics. They also seem to have become the standard practice in many modern corporations. I am not sure this is completely a good thing. If you read books on Japanese lean manufacturing and Edward Deming's quality circles, they are very different than what Mr. Drucker is saying.

You can quote what Peter Drucker is saying very easily, he is a wonderful communicator. Some quotes are "In hiring a worker one always hires the whole man," and "Whatever the manager does he does through making decisions." These quotes have a nice feeling to them.

Peter Drucker focuses on iconic American companies that were very successful in his time, General Motors, Ford, IBM, and Sears. Now, General Motors and Sears are not doing so well, but they were excellent at that time in history. The book shows how things change. As ideas are adopted they are built on further.

We learn about the place for the professional in the scheme of management as well as the worker and manager. We learn a lot of truisms like managers must manage. There is little that can be directly refuted. There is also a slightly utopian streak. People should work at peak performance and money is not the best motivator for employees. These are common beliefs held by many managers.

If you want to understand many of the ideas behind management practice read Peter Drucker. You may not agree with it, but it seems to set a standard for business practice across industries.

I spent quite a bit of time reading both of these books. They are often quite insightful. A lot of it is just learning the language which is being spoken. I think sometimes when you read this material, it helps clarify what people are saying. There is a professional language attached to business administration and public administration degrees which often uses coded meanings which are not always apparent to people who are line workers or professionals.

I spent some time this evening reading a bit of Graceling by Kristin Cashore. I also have the novel, Fire by Kristin Cashore on hold. Both of these are young adult fantasy novels.


Deus Sabe o Que Faz

"...O Pai que está no Céu dará coisas boas aos que Lhe pedirem!" – Evangelho de São Mateus 7:11.
Às vezes, parece que Deus não está ouvindo nossas súplicas. A gente pede, pede, pede, espera que a resposta venha e não vê acontecer nada. Nessa hora, alguns resolvem apelar a entidades que acreditam estar mais acessíveis aos seres humanos. Quer dizer, rezam aos santos ou aos anjos, pensando que eles podem interceder junto ao Pai e convencê-Lo a lhes dar o que querem. Outros buscam ajuda dos espíritos. E há quem faça "promessas" a Deus e aos santos, como se os pudessem subornar...
Tudo isso é desnecessário. Jesus Cristo ensinou que o Pai sempre ouve a qualquer um de Seus filhos, sem que seja preciso a participação de mais ninguém. Como se pode notar na frase citada a cima, Ele esclareceu também que Deus dará coisas boas aos que Lhe pedirem. Em outras palavras, se Lhe pedirmos coisas aparentemente boas, mas que nos podem causar mal futuramente, Ele não as dará.
Nosso discernimento é muito limitado. Mas Deus é suficientemente sábio para conceder-nos aquilo que nos irá beneficiar e negar-nos o que nos pode prejudicar de alguma maneira. Orar não é dar ordens a Deus. É simplesmente apresentar-Lhe nossos problemas e esperar dEle a melhor solução. Não podemos exigir que nos atenda exatamente da maneira, ou no momento, que desejamos.
Acredite em Jesus:
Deus sabe o que é melhor!


Deus Sabe o Que Faz

"...O Pai que está no Céu dará coisas boas aos que Lhe pedirem!" – Evangelho de São Mateus 7:11.

Às vezes, parece que Deus não está ouvindo nossas súplicas. A gente pede, pede, pede, espera que a resposta venha e não vê acontecer nada. Nessa hora, alguns resolvem apelar a entidades que acreditam estar mais acessíveis aos seres humanos. Quer dizer, rezam aos santos ou aos anjos, pensando que eles podem interceder junto ao Pai e convencê-Lo a lhes dar o que querem. Outros buscam ajuda dos espíritos. E há quem faça "promessas" a Deus e aos santos, como se os pudessem subornar...
Tudo isso é desnecessário. Jesus Cristo ensinou que o Pai sempre ouve a qualquer um de Seus filhos, sem que seja preciso a participação de mais ninguém. Como se pode notar na frase citada a cima, Ele esclareceu também que Deus dará coisas boas aos que Lhe pedirem. Em outras palavras, se Lhe pedirmos coisas aparentemente boas, mas que nos podem causar mal futuramente, Ele não as dará.
Nosso discernimento é muito limitado. Mas Deus é suficientemente sábio para conceder-nos aquilo que nos irá beneficiar e negar-nos o que nos pode prejudicar de alguma maneira. Orar não é dar ordens a Deus. É simplesmente apresentar-Lhe nossos problemas e esperar dEle a melhor solução. Não podemos exigir que nos atenda exatamente da maneira, ou no momento, que desejamos.
Acredite em Jesus:Deus sabe o que é melhor!

'Arrepiado', Vagner Love se diz pronto para conquista de título e projeta seleção
Atacante diz que voltou ao Verdão pelo carinho da torcida e para ficar mais próximo da chance de ir ao Mundial da África do Sul, em 2010.
Revelado pelo clube em 2003, Vagner Love passou cinco anos na fria Rússia. Lá, foi bicampeão russo, tetra da Copa da Rússia, tricampeão da Supercopa da Rússia e campeão da Copa da Uefa, seu maior título com o clube. Mas a boa vida em Moscou e o prestígio não foram suficientes para segurar o atacante no país. A um ano da Copa do Mundo, o atacante das trancinhas verdes sonha em voltar à seleção brasileira e disputar o Mundial da África do Sul. Antes disso, quer o Brasileiro deste ano, competição que o Palmeiras lidera, com 41 pontos.
- Tenho de fazer primeiro pelo Palmeiras. Fazendo um bom trabalho aqui, posso ter a oportunidade de voltar à seleção. Mas tenho de fazer o que fazia e um algo mais. Optei pelo Palmeiras porque tenho carinho por todos aqui e principalmente pela torcida – disse Love, que foi pretendido por Flamengo e Santos.

Ode To Coffee

Coffee. Nature’s most perfect gift. I, for one, could not function in the morning without it. And I don’t mean the four dollar, glorified milkshakes my wife buys at Starbucks on the way to work (usually after waiting in a line longer than the one at Space Mountain in Disneyland). I mean straight, uncut, coffee-type-coffee, the kind Dunkin Donuts has blessed us with by making it available at our local grocery store that comes in only three flavors...mild, medium and strong.

Coffee saves lives. Not just my own, but the oblivious-to-the-world drivers I meet on my morning commute. Paramedics would still be trying to pry the steering wheels from their chests if I didn’t have at least two cups of my morning elixir in me before heading off to work.

But I digress. What could I say about this wondrous, magic liquid that hasn’t been said before by folks greater than me? So, with that in mind...

"But, Mom, I need the caffeine...BADLY!" - Zack Galligan, Waxwork

"Whatever happened to coffee-flavored coffee?" - Denis Leary

"A morning without coffee is sleep." -Author Unknown

"I believe humans get a lot done, not because we’re smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee." -Flash Rosenberg

"Way too much coffee. But if it weren’t for coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever." -David Letterman

"Decaffeinated coffee is the devil’s blend." -Author Unknown

"Decaffeinated coffee is like kissing your sister." -Bob Irwin

"I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon." -Ronald Reagan

"Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee." -Stephanie Piro
"I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee." -Carly Simon

"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons." -T.S. Elliot

"It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity. I bet this kind of thing does not happen to heroin addicts. I bet that when serious heroin addicts go to purchase their heroin, they do not tolerate waiting in line while some dilettante in front of them orders a hazelnut smack-a-cino with cinnamon sprinkles." -Dave Barry

"In Seattle you haven't had enough coffee until you can thread a sewing machine while it's running." -Jeff Bezos

"My blood type is Folgers." -Author Unknown

"Actually, this seems to be the basic need of the human heart in nearly every great crisis - a good hot cup of coffee." Alexander King

"Given enough coffee, I could rule the world." -Author Unknown
musica velha que mata agente por : ESSE MUNDO VELHO :



Vou pagar promessas de joelhos
Só pra esquecer você
Vou passar uns dias lá na lua
Eu não quero mais te ver
Vou falar pro meu coração bater o pé
Pra não morrer de paixão
Não quero maisEsse amor, que me faz tão mal
Chega de sofrerAdeus ponto final
Não vou mais chorar Como chorei
Nem me lembrar Que um dia te amei Bye-bye tristezaAdeus solidão
Vou fazer pirraça pro seu coração
Não vou mais chorarComo chorei
Nem me lembrar Que um dia te amei Bye-bye tristeza Adeus solidão
Vou fazer pirraça pro seu coração
Vou pagar promessas de joelhos
Só pra esquecer você
Vou passar uns dias lá na lua
Eu não quero mais te ver
Vou falar pro meu coração bater o pé
Pra não morrer de paixão
Não quero maisEsse amor, que me faz tão mal Chega de sofrerAdeus ponto final

Banheiro de casal

Para mim, o banheiro do casal merece atenção especial. E não é só para escolher um belo acabamento não. O banheiro acaba sendo uma extensão do quarto. Se no quarto temos cama para dois, duas mesas de cabeceira, divisões idênticas em armários (a gente faz de conta que é...) , porque é que no banheiro tudo tem que ser 1?
No banheiro tamém tem que ser em dobro!

Visualize a cena:Você e marido acordam para mais um dia de trabalho, levantam e correm para lavar o rosto. Correm, porque quem chegar por último vai ter que ficar esperando... Trocam de roupa, tomam café e... correm pra escovar os dentes! Dessa vez, se o mesmo chegar primeiro, o outro já corre o risco de estressar, ainda mais se for em fase de tpm...Após esse longo dia, você chega em casa louca para tomar um banho e... marido chegou primeiro! E aquela história de que quem demora debaixo do chuveiro é mulher é a maior mentira! Homem também demora sim. Às vezes até mais. Eñtão, o jeito é esperar pacientemente a sua vez...E quando você corre pro banheiro, apertada, e marido já está lá? Você vai apertada, se contorcendo, procurar outro banheiro da casa...Agora, visualize essa outra cena:Você e marido acordam para mais um dia de trabalho, levantam e vão, cada um para sua pia, lavar o rosto. Você pode se maquiar calmamente, arrumar o cabelo, enquanto marido faz a barba. Trocam de roupa, tomam café e... voltam cada um pra sua pia, pra escovar os dentes. E você nunca vai encontrar o tubo de pasta de dentes apertado no meio! Após esse longo dia, você chega em casa louca para tomar um banho e toma! Marido está tomando em um chuveiro e você em outro (pode até ser dentro do mesmo mega-box)E quando você corre pro banheiro, apertada, e marido já está lá? Você vai usar o seu vaso, que está sempre te esperando com a tampa abaixada e sequinho.
Viram como um banheiro duplo pode melhorar a qualidade de vida?
E que tal um local confortável para deitar e esperar aquela máscara fazer efeito? Ou para ficar conversando com marido enquanto espera ele terminar o banho?

Agora, a banheira sim, é pra ser uma só, porque lá é bem melhor dividir o espaço...

A Worldly Breakfast

It's the most important meal of the day, right!? And breakfast makes everything better - especially at our house. We're the sort that loves breakfast food so much we like to have breakfast for dinner too sometimes.

A breakfast here, especially after a sleepover, is a major tradition. We have homemade pancakes, waffles, or french toast, bacon or sausage and ALWAYS homemade syrup.

Yup, the syrup is legendary around here.

When we first married, my husband scoffed at bottled syrup and proceeded to educate me on the wonders of making one's own maple goodness. It's easy, fresh, more flavorful, and dare I say it...less expensive. (that's important when you have syrup addicts like us). I was soon turning up my own nose at those cleverly shaped bottles of inferiority on grocery store shelves.

My children have never known anything less (though they assure me they are polite when faced with bottled syrup away from home) and it just might be the elixir that brings them home to visit once they've flown the coop - um, I mean nest.

My opinions about syrup (and other kitchen adventures) even show up occasionally in my books.
Check it out - after breakfast of course - you don't want to get the book sticky!


Buy Pixie Chicks at Quake or Amazon today, and tomorrow you'll find me blogging at Echelon Press Shorts about the release of Hot Spots, the next installment of the Hobbitville Saga.

The photos are courtesy of Wikipedia, but they could just as easily come from my kitchen!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Daily Thoughts 8/30/2009

W. Somerset Maugham. Digital ID: 1544537. New York Public Library

Arents Cigarette Cards W.Somerset Maugham, From New York Public Library Digital Gallery

Daily Thoughts 8/30/2009

I finished reading Songs of the Dying Earth Stories In Honor of Jack Vance, edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois. Jack Vance is considered a masterful writer of science fiction. He is 93 years old and still writing. His style is very interesting. This collection is an excellent collection of writers. It includes many of the best writers in fantasy living today; George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Tanith Lee, Dan Simmons, Robert Silverberg, and many others.

In addition to lots of short stories, there is also a novella, The Guiding Nose of Ulfant Banderoz by Dan Simmons. Each stories starts with an introduction about the writers and ends with a short summary of their experiences reading Jack Vance. Some of them are quite interesting. I learned that Jack Vance was very influential with roleplaying games, having set the background for many magic systems. This is an article by Gary Gygax about Jack Vances's influence

The setting of The Dying Earth which these stories are written in is fantastic. The sun has grown dim, the earth has grown old and is now strewn with ancient ruins and the roads are filled with strange and terrible creatures dangerous to man; the deodanth, the pelgrayne, giants, ghouls, twk-men (little people who ride dragonflies), and other beasts. Magic (a kind of super science) has replaced the science of old and the world has become decadent and filled with superstition.

This is a world of trickery, debauchery, and magic. Wizards wander this world with names like Cugel the Clever, Rialto the Marvelous, and Lixal Laqavee. These are stories of cunning, trickery, magic, and debauchery. There are terrible spells like the prismatic spray and elemental and magic servants which serve the wizards. The characters survive by their cunning. They also seek the pleasure of wine, song, food, and dance. Jack Vance played the banjo and the kazoo.

There are magical towers, libraries full of spells, ancient ruined cities, dangerous inns, and woods full of monsters. The language is florid full of complex adjectives, odd sounding nouns, and strange names of far away places. The writers who wrote these stories do a good job filling the flavor of the settings.

The book is 670 pages long. It is published by Subterranean Press which produces high quality fantasy works. Many of the chapters start with a fantasy illustration and the pages are bordered with simple lines. The cover and interior illustrations are done by Tom Kidd . It is a well designed, entertaining book to read.

Classico Paulista .......BRIGA DE GRANDES , BUSCANDO A PONTA !
Sem dúvida, um clássico eletrizante. Quem for ao estádio do Morumbi na tarde deste domingo certamente verá uma grande partida. Afinal, ingredientes não faltam. Na tabela, temos de um lado o São Paulo, terceiro colocado na tabela de classificação, com 36 pontos, e que necessita da vitória para não perder o contato com o líder Palmeiras, 40 pontos. Caso o Alviverde vença, abre sete pontos de vantagem sobre um dos principais rivais na briga pelo título do Campeonato Brasileiro.
Mistério na escalação Os dois treinadores resolveram fazer suspense e só vão divulgar suas escalações momentos antes da partida. No São Paulo, que vem de derrota de 1 a 0 para o Atlético-PR, o técnico Ricardo Gomes ganhou o reforço de Hernanes, suspenso na última partida, mas pode perder Richarlyson, que virou dúvida após sentir dores no tornozelo esquerdo e deixar o campo mancando depois do rachão deste sábado. No ataque, Dagoberto e Washington deverão formar dupla. No Palmeiras, o suspense está no aproveitamento do meia Cleiton Xavier. O camisa 10 sofreu uma torção no tornozelo direito no início da partida contra o Internacional, realizada no último sábado, e, desde então, vem fazendo tratamento intensivo para tentar reunir condições de jogo. Ele fará um teste momentos antes da partida, mas a tendência é que não jogue. Sem o seu principal articulador no meio-campo, Muricy tem três opções. A mais simples seria promover a entrada de Deyvid Sacconi. Se quiser reforçar a marcação, pode optar pela entrada do volante Sandro Silva. Existe ainda a possibilidade mudar o esquema tático, passando do 4-4-2 para o 3-5-2. Com isso, o zagueiro Marcão é quem ganharia uma oportunidade na equipe.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Escrever é esquecer. A literatura é a maneira mais agradável de ignorar a vida. A música embala, as artes visuais animam, as artes vivas (como a dança e a arte de representar) entretêm. A primeira, porém, afasta-se da vida por fazer dela um sono; as segundas, contudo, não se afastam da vida - umas porque usam de fórmulas visíveis e portanto vitais, outras porque vivem da mesma vida humana. Não é o caso da literatura. Essa simula a vida. Um romance é uma história do que nunca foi e um drama é um romance dado sem narrativa. Um poema é a expressão de ideias ou de sentimentos em linguagem que ninguém emprega, pois que ninguém fala em verso.Fernando Pessoa
Querer não é poder. Quem pôde, quis antes de poder só depois de poder. Quem quer nunca há-de poder, porque se perde em querer.Fernando Pessoa
O próprio viver é morrer, porque não temos um dia a mais na nossa vida que não tenhamos, nisso, um dia a menos nela.Fernando Pessoa
Conformar-se é submeter-se e vencer é conformar-se, ser vencido. Por isso toda a vitória é uma grosseria. Os vencedores perdem sempre todas as qualidades de desalento com o presente que os levaram à luta que lhes deu a vitória. Ficam satisfeitos, e satisfeito só pode estar aquele que se conforma, que não tem a mentalidade do vencedor. Vence só quem nunca consegue.Fernando Pessoa
Tenho pensamentos que, se pudesse revelá-los e fazê-los viver, acrescentariam nova luminosidade às estrelas, nova beleza ao mundo e maior amor ao coração dos homens.Fernando Pessoa
Nunca amamos ninguém. Amamos, tão-somente, a ideia que fazemos de alguém. É a um conceito nosso - em suma, é a nós mesmos - que amamos. Isso é verdade em toda a escala do amor. No amor sexual buscamos um prazer nosso dado por intermédio de um corpo estranho. No amor diferente do sexual, buscamos um prazer nosso dado por intermédio de uma ideia nossa.Fernando Pessoa






Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa (Lisboa, 13 de Junho de 1888 — Lisboa, 30 de Novembro de 1935), mais conhecido como Fernando Pessoa, foi um poeta e escritor português.
É considerado um dos maiores poetas da Língua Portuguesa, e o seu valor é comparado ao de Camões. O crítico literário Harold Bloom considerou-o, juntamente com Pablo Neruda, o mais representativo poeta do século XX. Por ter vivido a maior parte de sua adolescência na África do Sul, a língua inglesa também possui destaque em sua vida, com Pessoa traduzindo, escrevendo, trabalhando e estudando no idioma. Teve uma vida discreta, em que atuou no jornalismo, na publicidade, no comércio e, principalmente, na literatura, onde se desdobrou em várias outras personalidades conhecidas como heterónimos. A figura enigmática em que se tornou movimenta grande parte dos estudos sobre as suas vida e obra, além do fato de ser o centro irradiador da heteronímia, auto-denominando o autor um "drama em gente".
Morreu de cólica hepática aos 47 anos na mesma cidade onde nasceu, tendo a sua última frase sido escrita na língua inglesa: "I know not what tomorrow will bring... " ("Não sei o que o amanhã trará"

Nome completo: Fernando António Nogueira de Seabra Pessoa.
Idade e naturalidade: Nasceu em Lisboa, freguesia dos Mártires, no prédio n.º 4 do Largo de S. Carlos (hoje do Directório) em 13 de Junho de 1888.
Filiação: Filho legítimo de Joaquim de Seabra Pessoa e de D. Maria Madalena Pinheiro Nogueira. Neto paterno do general Joaquim António de Araújo Pessoa, combatente das campanhas liberais, e de D. Dionísia Seabra; neto materno do conselheiro Luís António Nogueira, jurisconsulto e Director-Geral do Ministério do Reino, e de D. Madalena Xavier Pinheiro. Ascendência geral: misto de fidalgos e judeus.
Estado civil: Solteiro.
Profissão: A designação mais própria será "tradutor", a mais exata a de "correspondente estrangeiro" em casas comerciais. O ser poeta e escritor não constitui profissão, mas vocação.
Morada: Rua Coelho da Rocha, 16, 1º. Dto. Lisboa. (Endereço postal - Caixa Postal 147, Lisboa).
Funções sociais que tem desempenhado: Se por isso se entende cargos públicos, ou funções de destaque, nenhumas.
Obras que tem publicado: A obra está essencialmente dispersa, por enquanto, por várias revistas e publicações ocasionais. É o seguinte o que, de livros ou folhetos, considera como válido: "35 Sonnets" (em inglês), 1918; "English Poems I-II" e "English Poems III" (em inglês também), 1922; livro "Mensagem", 1934, premiado pelo "Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional" na categoria Poema". O folheto "O Interregno", publicado em 1928 e constituído por uma defesa da Ditadura Militar em Portugal, deve ser considerado como não existente. Há que rever tudo isso e talvez que repudiar muito.
Educação: Em virtude de, falecido seu pai em 1893, sua mãe ter casado, em 1895, em segundas núpcias, com o Comandante João Miguel Rosa, Cônsul de Portugal em Durban, Natal, foi ali educado. Ganhou o prémio Rainha Vitória de estilo inglês na Universidade do Cabo da Boa Esperança em 1903, no exame de admissão, aos 15 anos.
Ideologia Política: Considera que o sistema monárquico seria o mais próprio para uma nação organicamente imperial como é Portugal. Considera, ao mesmo tempo, a Monarquia completamente inviável em Portugal. Por isso, a haver um plebiscito entre regimes, votaria, embora com pena, pela República. Conservador do estilo inglês, isto é, liberal dentro do conservantismo, e absolutamente anti-reaccionário.
Posição religiosa: Cristão gnóstico e portanto inteiramente oposto a todas as igrejas organizadas e, sobretudo, à Igreja de Roma. Fiel, por motivos que mais adiante estão implícitos, à Tradição Secreta do Cristianismo, que tem íntimas relações com a Tradição Secreta em Israel (a Santa Kabbalah) e com a essência oculta da Maçonaria.
Posição iniciática: Iniciado, por comunicação directa de Mestre a Discípulo, nos três graus menores da (aparentemente extinta) Ordem Templária de Portugal.
Posição patriótica: Partidário de um nacionalismo místico, de onde seja abolida toda a infiltração católico-romana, criando-se, se possível for, um sebastianismo novo que a substitua espiritualmente, se é que no catolicismo português houve alguma vez espiritualidade. Nacionalista que se guia por este lema: "Tudo pela Humanidade; nada contra a Nação".
Posição social: Anticomunista e anti-socialista. O mais deduz-se do que vai dito acima.
Resumo de estas últimas considerações: Ter sempre na memória o mártir Jacques de Molay, Grão-Mestre dos Templários, e combater, sempre e em toda a parte, os seus três assassinos - a Ignorância, o Fanatismo e a Tirania.
Lisboa, 30 de Março de 1935 [em várias edições está 1933, por lapso]
Fernando Pessoa [assinatura autógrafa] Fonte: Cópia do original dactilografado e assinado


BEM - VINDOS ..........!!!!!!!!!!
E Com Muita Satisfação Que Estou Aqui ,este blog é mais uma experiencia e um debate de historias e noticias dos fatos que estão em debates pelo mundo ,atualizados diariamente ,sempre com uma noticia diferente e enteressante ,para interagir com vocês que fazem parte desse blog
Josué neto Ferreira Leão

Daily Thoughts 8/29/2009

The King in Yellow Digital ID: 1258831. New York Public Library

The King In Yellow by Robert W. Chambers. Classic horror.

Daily Thoughts 8/29/2009

Today was another day to lay around and read. It is after all my vacation. I read some more of Songs of the Dying Earth Stories In Honor of Jack Vance. It is quite satisfying to read. Very relaxing.

I also drove to the Queens main library. I did not find what I was looking for a book on librarians and graphic novels. Still, I did go to the main library. I also spent some time driving around all over. I have to do the New York State Inspection for my car on Monday.

Today has not been particularly productive but it has been relaxing. A chance to read and think.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Peace, Man!

Okay, I admit my '70s-post Woodstock roots. I grew up with Tie-dye and the Peace symbol, familiar items to everyone now, too.

In recent years, it seems that no generation has escaped war: the Depression era families were touched by World War I; their children entered World War II; then came Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm...

According to the recent annual Mindset List for the Class of 2013 at Beloit College, the current generation of college freshman has grown up with the war in Iraq.

The cry in the Sixties and Seventies was "Give Peace a Chance!"

Following are a few quotes from those who have had something to say on peace, and say it much better than I ever will:

Benjamin Franklin: There never was a good war or a bad peace.

Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.

John Lennon: Imagine all the people living life in peace.

Martin Luther King Jr.: One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means.

* See John Lennon/Yoko Ono video, Give Peace a Chance

* See more peace quotes

* Sam in Searching for a Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystery thinks peace is cool, though she won't find it with crabby Mrs. Drake - or will she?

Uma manhã deprimente

Depois de duas semanas recolocando a vida no lugar (parece muito tempo, mas é que estou atoladíssima de trabalho), pensei que meu martírio houvesse chegado ao fim. Assim que formatei os computadores me preocupei em colocar o programa da loja para funcionar, que era o mais urgente. Depois, fui cuidar de refazer minhas planilhas (isso sim, foi de tirar o sono!), recuperar algumas músicas (essencial para minha cabeça funcionar – só trabalho ouvindo música) e baixar alguns documentos que eu tinha armazenado no e-mail. Ontem, finalmente tudo estava funcionando bem. Então, vi que tinha ficado todos esses dias afastada aqui do blog e pensei "amanhã vou fazer uma postagem nota 10!", mas...eis que acordo de madrugada e começo a pensar sobre o que seria essa postagem. Tudo o que me ocorria dependia das fotos que eu havia selecionado, armazenado, separado por assunto e que agora não tenho mais. Então me bateu uma tristeza, uma falta de inspiração, é frustrante!

Até o que eu tinha pensado em encarar no faça-você-mesma aqui no escritório perdeu a graça. Lembram do marceneiro? Pois é, até hoje! E, como não sou só eu a ser enrolada, acho que ainda vai demorar... Aí eu estava procurando algo que eu mesma pudesse fazer e até me ocorreram algumas idéias. Pois não é que esqueci tudo? É sério! Não consigo lembrar o que eu tinha pensado de madrugada (e eu estava muito bem acordada). A única coisa que eu lembro é de ter pensado em fazer umas listras na parede, ou pintar uma frase legal. Sei que pensei em uma solução pra estante, que pensei numa cor pras paredes, em mudar as coisas de lugar e em outros detalhes.

Alguma de vocês já passou por isso?




Daily Thoughts 8/28/2009

Cover of the pulp magazine Weird Tales (October 1934, vol. 24, no. 4) featuring The Black God's Kiss by C. L. Moore (first of the Jirel of Joiry stories). Cover by Margaret Brundage.

I am enjoying reading Songs of the Dying Earth. My favorite short story so far is The Final Quest of the Wizard Sarnod by Jeff Vandermeer. It is a truly strange tale with miniaturized people, blimps, and magic. Jeff Vandermeer has a real ability to describe the fantastic in vivid ways. I have read many of his novels. His website is quite interesting.

I am still reading The Management Myth. I am learning often the main reason that people use consultants is that companies are often unwilling to do what needs to be done because of internal politics or mismanagement. Consultants are often hired to do what companies already know they need to do. It is like so many things in this world.

The second thing I learned today from reading The Management Myth is that the moment a consultant says the word strategy he is going to come up with a plan that will cost you a lot of money. This is one of the reasons I like this book so much. It can be unexpectedly morose.

As I am reading The Practice of Management, I have come across another truism. It seems like Peter Drucker's statements have become the accepted ideas behind many modern businesses. The latest truism is that the best investment you can make is in people. I don't know if this is completely true. If people don't have the tools they need, they simply can't be effective.

My access to the egalley on Netgalley for The Case For Books, Past, Present and Future by Robert Darnton has been confirmed. Now, I can start reading the book. I like reading about books. There is something comforting in the written word. Eppecially if the written word is by a librarian like Robert Darnton.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Star Trek Guide to World Peace

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of world peace is Star Trek. Yeah, no kidding. I think of this Utopian globalised planet where everyone gets along. Of course in Star Trek, you have to note that there are plenty of other beings that do not get along... But as a planet, Earth is a pretty peaceful place with no wars, global money, (Or is there money at all?) and a unified population that seems to agree on everything.

Ok, world peace will never be achieved quite like that. At least not everyone will agree on everything all of this time, but the ideas are sound and whether you know it or not, we're moving in that direction. Will we see it? Nope. But give it another few hundred years or so and I fully believe that we could have a pretty strong foundation for world peace. Just look how things have changed in the last few decades. The Internet connects the planet in light speed bringing communication and understanding where there was confusion, misinformation and fear before. The Euro is another example of countries agreeing to get along financially.

While there are plenty of arguments against global money, the Euro has strengthened Europe and is a sign of things to come. Think of it this way, the Euro unified Europe's money... so one nation has the same cash value as another. Think if that was in place for the last 200 years how many lives would have been spared and how many wars could have been prevented. Dare I say that a unified monetary system would probably have prevented World War II?

The attainable goal of world peace is something that doesn't just come from a song or a protest sign. This is something that everyone has to agree on. Everyone has to be on board and they have to realize that it isn't going to happen quickly. A lot of bitterness and centuries of anger have to subside or be forgiven, but it's like I always say, "Keep chipping away at it." Like Spock says, "Live long and Prosper."

My steampunk adventure novel, Thomas Riley, comes out in October on Echelon Press.

Daily Thoughts 8/27/2009

Chart showing dissemination to the White House, State Department and Attorney General of dozens of secret FBI memos and reports on Alger Hiss, beginning with the report on the Hatch Act investigation of Hiss in 1942 and running through Hiss' resignation from the State Department in January 1947. Federal Bureau of Investigation: J. Edgar Hoover, Official and Confidential file #34 (FBI Reading Room, J. Edgar Hoover Building, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004)

Daily Thoughts 8/27/2009

I took some time to go to the main library of the Queens Public Library to look at the Scott 2010 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. I had received a number of volumes of stamp books which were sent to me by my family. So, I spent several hours going through the multi-volume set looking at stamps to see if any of them were valuable. Very few of them were. Some of them cost as much as $2 each. So, they were not particularly valuable. But, they were fun to look at. There were stamps from lots of recognizable countries like Afghanistan, Togo, The Congo, The Cayman Islands, the United States, Canada, Germany, China, Monaco, Japan, and many other places. In addition, there were a few stamps from the Sheikdom of Sharjah, Umm Al Qiwain and Reunion three places I had never heard of. It was entertaining. Reunion is an island off of Madagascar. Prices are not listed in the Scott catalog. There are so many obscure countries in the world today.

It was very much like searching for a mythical pot of gold. I am not quite sure what to do with some of the stamps. I am wondering if I should just lock them in a closet somewhere or try and find someone who will trade them for comic books. Price guides are often inaccurate. They don't reflect what is often hard to find properly. I have spent quite a bit of time looking at The Official Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide, 39th Edition. The comic book price guide misses many of the underground comics and independent comics. It also does not cover fanzines very well. Still it is the standard guide. It is kind of fun doing this. It appeals to minutiae.

There are so many different catalogs of antiques produced by a variety of companies. The two big catalog producers that are most popular are Warman's and Kovel's. Nostalgia has its place. It is fun to remember childhood sometimes. Unfortunately, real antiques are well outside my price range and I am not that fond of the kitsch you often find at garage sales and flea markets.

I am still reading my books each day.


This is Kiera. She is a 4 year old cross Pitbull whose best activity is to watch TV on the couch with some biscuits to munch!

Kiera is a DARG dog, and according to DARG, she's a great companion, bonds well with people, is love-starved and is a real softie. I guess that's quite hard to believe from a Pitbull, given the bad reputation they've got over the years.

But like all protective breeds, if they're treated properly, they will be great companions. The Pitbull reputation has been brought about by unscrupulous owners using them for fighting purposes. So, there is no such creature as a bad dog, only a BAD OWNER.

I hope she finds the loving home she so deserves.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

World Peace.

World Peace.

The most common interpretation of these two words deals with everyone becoming friends with each other, rather than becoming enemies.

It is often a complicated topic as people argue over who believes it can be done and who believes that it is impossible, who believes it should be done and who believes it shouldn’t, who believes it should be top priority and who believes that it should not be top priority.

World peace is a topic people seem to actively seek, but wonder if it will be possible to ever actually attain. Questions begin to arise about whether or not people can actually change to fit the guidelines that are necessary for peace to rein throughout the world.

So here’s the question you need to ask: Is it important to you? Do you want it and feel it is necessary for the world? Or do you not care and simply wish to go about your daily life? If you answered yes, you feel it is necessary, then decide if you wish to help. Every little thing can help – being nice to your neighbor, co-worker, friend… It can all add up.

What are you opinions on world peace?

Daily Thoughts 8/26/2009

Poul Anderson, Science Fiction Writer

Daily Thoughts 8/26/2009

I took a walk up to my local library. I am sitting here typing away while looking at the computer.

I am still reading both The Management Myth and The Practice of Management. I am beginning to think many management books are more about ethics, philosophy, and the way you treat other people rather than scientific thought. A lot of the material does not come across as being extremely logical. I like reading The Management Myth because some of it is very funny; almost sublimely ridiculous. Some of the nonsense which is being described is rather entertaining.

I also took some time and read the preview on Baen books for Patriots by David Drake which is a science fiction novel coming out in September. The preview consists of the first nine chapters. I also started reading Songs of the Dying Earth Stories In Honor of Jack Vance. The introduction by Dean Koontz is excellent. It tells how Dean Koontz started as a science fiction writer and thought The Dying Earth was a lot of fun to read. The editors of the short stories are also very good, Gardner Dozois and George R.R. Martin. The selection of authors is superb as well; Neil Gaiman, Robert Silverberg, Mike Resnick, Glen Cook, Jeff Vandermeer, Tanith Lee and many other excellent fantasy writers. It is a tome of a book with 670 pages of short stories. I have just started on it and it has already given me a bit of pleasure to read.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

MOM Earth

Look at that picture.

Beautiful, isn’t it? Or she, if you’re into the feminine avatars like Mother Earth, Gaia and Ötüken we bestow upon the space faring orb that we constantly abuse with pollution, war and reality shows.

Although we inhabit just the smallest portion crust of this planet, we do so many things that grossly affect her, such as bare stinky feet and global warming, which even the most hardcore of doubters finally admit is happening.

Imagine a world without ice on the poles. It would be a swirling, cloud covered planet looking like a bowl of cinnamon oatmeal. As the water warms, the frequency and ferocity of storms would soar, battering the surface of the planet, which lose landmass as rising sea levels gobble up valuable beachfront property and swallow entire islands like Cuba, Hawaii and Kirsty Alley.

Imagine a world where a war-torn planet is ripped apart by a nuclear war. The resultant cloud cover and radiation would wrap around the planet as a sick, ugly yellow cloud trapped in the atmosphere. The sun would cook a noxious stew of poisonous gasses killing human, animal, plant and maybe even Madonna.

Hah, just kidding. Madanna would survive.

If you watch a beauty contest, the contestants are asked inane questions, like ‘What would you like more than anything else?’

Besides a diet pill that actually works, as the movie “Miss Congeniality” made clear, the rote answer is, “World peace.”

Uh, huh. Okay, so what keeps us from achieving this World Peace?

Any ideas?

I think it’s easy. The thing that keeps us from World Peace is World Piece. As in greed. Everyone wanting a bigger slice of the pie. And not just their share of the pie. They want a bigger piece than they are entitled to.

Greed for possessions, greed for other peoples’ property, greed for the big gas guzzling car that denotes status, the greed of one country coveting the resources of its neighbor or from the not-neighbor in, say, the Middle East, greed for power, greed for the biggest bowl of ice cream.

So until we figure out some way to handle greed, we won’t see World Peace. Simple as that.

And hopefully we won’t tear Mother Earth to world pieces along the way.

I got no solutions, except maybe everyone should read funny books or something. And I’m sorry I wasn’t funny today. If you want funny, go read one of my books. They’re funny, I promise.

And they’ll bring us World Peace.

(Oh, and my new vampire humor YA book, Fang Face can be had on Earth friendly e-book, as well as traditional paper.)


Daily Thoughts 8/25/09 ( self education )

'Chaucer at the Court of Edward III' , Ford Madox Brown

Daily Thoughts 8/25/09

Frederik Pohl just received an honorary high school diploma from Brookyn Technical school.
I sometimes think of the importance of having a high school diploma. I never finished high school. I tested out with a California High School Proficiency in the 11th grade and went to community college. Personal things made it important for me to be on my own. This is not for everyone. I have a masters degree, despite having not finished high school. This is also true of a couple of my cousins. Frederik Pohl is one of the best science fiction writers.

I like college far more than I liked high school. It is a place where you are going voluntarily to learn. I am even considering going back to college part time to get a masters in publishing to supplement my masters in library science. I just like the idea. New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies has a publishing program. There is quite a bit on electronic publishing which I am very interested in. I took the Introduction to Publishing course there and enjoyed it a lot.

For a while I worked at an internet service provider as a sourcer for human resources. One of the things I leanred there was the importance of self education. To effectively run an internet service provider you have to find a lot of people who are into serious self education in lots of technical subjects. The way you moved ahead in these places was to get various computer certifications, A+ computer technician, MCSE Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, MCSA Microsoft Certified System Administrator, CCIE Cisco Certified Internetworking Engineer, Java Sun Certification, A+ Network Security. These certifications were tests to show you new a particular subject. In addition to getting certifications technicians read a lot of computer manuals to stay up to date; perl, c++, and many other programs were popular.

A college degree did not guarantee technical proficiency. I try to make sure there are a decent amount of new computer books. This is also true of many other fields. There are all sorts of certifications ranging from stock broker to phlebotomist.

Monday, August 24, 2009

World Peace?

I saw the topic for this week was World Peace, so I did a little entry on my first thought...and second thought...and extra train of thought detours...on World Peace :)

World Peace?

…What does that mean?

Is it, simply, a world without conflict? I’m asking because actually, the first thing that comes to mind is a world inhabited by robots. The second is the book “The Giver.” Has anyone read that book? Or any other post-apocalyptic utopia stories. In the ones I’ve read I’ve found the characters a bit dull (though that might have been done on purpose), but the reoccurring concept was freakier than any of the murder mysteries I’ve read. Is that what World Peace truly means? A mindless state of contentment, almost programmed into the bland role to avoid conflict…hmm…I believe we’re back to robots.

Don’t get me wrong. There are some great aspects to peace. But I don’t dream of a world without conflict. I dream of an alternative to wars, advancements in crime-solving technology, reduced instances of violence…basically, reasons not to do horrible things. Good people working to prevent horrible things. You know, crazy stuff like that. Because in a world without conflict, there’s not much else either. Try reading a book, a short story, a newspaper article, even a blog post, without conflict. Try writing one! In a nutshell, it is going to stink. Badly. Now, try living without conflict. Sure, you don’t have those down moments, but you don’t have any senses of triumph or pride. And those are what make us human. Without those ups and downs, we’re…oh, no. I’m back to robots again.

Anyway, I'd have to do a lot more research on the meaning of World Peace before I could decide if I wanted it or not.


My novel, RAIN, is coming in 2010 from QUAKE!

Find me at, or I'm also on Facebook!

(photo credit

Quando um vírus toma conta de tudo...

Olá meninas,
Tinha planejado fazer uma postagem sobre quantas coisas nós, mulheres com pelo menos um pouco de vaidade, temos para cuidado pessoal e outra sobre o que andei fazendo no meu aniversário de casamento. Mas... fotos transferidas para o notebook, eu só precisando de um tempinho para fazer uma postagem legal, e eis que se manifesta em meu computador um vírus! Logo em seguida, o ordinário também trava todo o sistema da loja. Aproveitei que meu filho mais velho estava em casa (ele faz curso técnico de informática) e tentamos salvar os arquivos. Quase nos matamos sobre os computadores e nenhum anti-vírus localizava o bendito. Resultado: formatação geral. E, para evitar que o problema voltasse, só salvei os arquivos extremente necessários para o bom funcionamento da loja. Acabei perdendo absolutamente tudo o que eu tinha no meu notebook! Todas as minhas músicas, as imagens retiradas da net, arquivos de texto, até meu diário... Só não perdi minhas fotos pessoais, porque no mês passado me deu a louca e eu gravei todas em DVD e mandei revelar (pois é, eu ainda prefiro fotos no papel).
Depois de uma semana de loucura total, um fim de semana de festa... Aniversário de 15 anos da minha prima Chris, reunião de família, tudo de bom!
Agora estou "refazendo minha vida". Incrível como a gente fica dependente de uma máquina...

Daily Thoughts 8/24/2009

Sir Peter Beckford author of the early gothic novel, Vathek.

Daily Thoughts 8/24/2009

I am a little past half way reading through The Practice of Management by Peter Drucker. The more I read it, the more it comes across as a philosophy more than a science. I find it interesting that business books are considered to be scientific. Most are not even remotely practical. I would not say that about Peter Drucker, but about many business books. If you look at the New York Times Bestseller list on business many of them seem to be more about wish fulfillment and fantasy than practical decision making.

I have also started reading The Management Myth Why The Experts Keep Getting It Wrong by Matthew Stewart. Having gotten into the first chapter, it looks like it will be entertaining. The first thing which he says is that an MBA is not a guarantee for success in business. He also makes some entertaining statements about popular business books being little more than wish fulfillment. Most people are never going to run a giant corporation, reading these books makes them feel good and motivated. He describes how he became a management consultant.

Here I am at my local branch. It was a pleasant walk outside. The temperature is around 80 degrees fahrenheit and the sky is clear with a light wind. I am sitting at the library computer typing away. There is not anything which I want to check out. I might get a movie. I have not decided yet. Today has been relaxing. I am on vacation right now.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Daily Thoughts 8/23/2009

William Gibson, American playwright, author of The Miracle Worker a play about Helen Keller

Daily Thoughts 8/23/2009

I have been reading more of Peter F. Drucker's The Practice of Management. Peter F. Drucker considers The Cyropaedia written by Xenophon to be the best book on leadership ever written. It is a classic novel about the rise of Cyrus the great in Persia.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A few short words on Internet Friendships

The Internet is a great place to meet people.

Over the years I have met many wonderful people through blogs and other social networks. Some have become lasting friends, some not.

The tricky thing to remember is -- you can call someone your friend, and feel very sure you know them, but you do have to be careful. The Internet harbors predators of all kinds, from people who aren't who they say they are, to people who are much worse than I'd like to imagine (and I write gothic fiction!).

Some have speculated that the rise of technology has eaten away at the mystery of life. That there is no more room for fairy tales and fantasy, because virtually everything is known. We can talk to people all over the world through a chat client, we can search up information about the bottom of the deep blue sea at the click of a button.

I disagree. When it comes to meeting people online, there's a whole lot of mystery. Are they really a 16-year-old girl, or are they a 30-year-old man? Are they really that into 'The Lord of the Rings,' or are they just watching in horrified fascination at the frenzied forum discussions on it?

Or are they something else entirely?

Demons and monsters... they're around us, it's true. Maybe not in the forms I feature in my fiction, but similar all the same.

We just have to be aware of them, is all.


Carlos is an elderly gentleman(dog) who lives in an historic house in Constantia, one of the first wineland areas established in the Western Cape.

My sister was doing her dog/housesitting with Carlos and two of his pals whilst their mom went overseas to the UK.

I met him when she brought him round for a visit. He is practically blind and quite deaf, but he still loves life, and very definitely, FOOD. Put your hand near him and it's snuffle, snuffle, looking for tidbits to eat.

I don't think he's going to be with us for much longer, but as his doctor says, he's happy and in no pain, so let him enjoy his twilight years in the luxurious comforts of the Constantia greenbelt.

Daily Thoughts 8/22/2009

Alexander and Aristotle

Daily Thoughts 8/22/2009

I am on vacation right now. I went to Barnes and Nobles and bought a paperback science fiction book, Ariel by Steven R. Boyett. It is a postapocalyptic fantasy novel. Magic comes comes back and all the electricity and gunpowder stops working. It is entertaining so far. I'll probably donate it to the library where I work when I am done with it. I don't keep most of the books I read.

I watched a little bit of 2001 A Space Odyssey on dvd. It is interesting watching it. Before, I did not realize there were no ethnic cast members. Russians, Europeans, and Americans are represented in this film so far. The film has a very anglophile feel to it. The story is still excellent and the cinematography is beautiful.

I finished reading Ariel this afternoon. It is a fantasy novel about a young man who becomes attached to a unicorn. The villain wants the unicorns horn and Peter Garey must protect the unicorn. There is a theme of virginity and coming of age in the novel.

It is also a travel novel. The hero travels on a quest to get to a postapocalyptic New York where the villain resides. Gunpowder does not work, nor does electricity. This is a deus ex machina where the characters fight with swords and bows in a postapocalyptic world.

The author includes an afterword which describes his experience writing the novel and submitting it for publication. The novel was originally released in 1983 and is being rereleased in 2009. It was the authors first novel. There is going to be a sequal released in November. The story went quickly with lots of action, especially swordplay.

I am still reading Peter F. Drucker The Practice of Management. This is not an easy book to read. There is a lot of very deep thinking involved. A lot of the ideas in the book are eye opening and different than what I am used to. I like a quote of Andrew Carnegie's epitaph on his tombstone, "Here lies a man who knew how to enlist in his service better men than himself." The epitaph which was at the beginning of Chapter 13 in the Practice of Management. I will read a little bit of it every day until I am finished.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Daily Thoughts 8/21/2009

Gore Vidal at age 23, November 14, 1948, Carl Van Vechten Photographer, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

Daily Thoughts 8/21/2009

Today was a nice quiet day. I spent more time weeding the poetry section. There are a lot of books with literary merit, many of our poetry books are part of the Pitt poetry series, the National Poetry Society Awards, the Yale Younger Poets series, and from various university imprints. There are also a lot of recognized names like Allan Ginsberg, Diane Di Prima, Billy Collins, W.S. Merwin, Jack Kerouac, Theodore Roethke and other poets.

Tomorrow I am going on vacation so I spent a little bit of time making sure everything was in order. We had a rastafarian poet teach a poetry class last night. There were nineteen people there. A large number of them were from the local youth shelter which was a surprise. We also had a business computer class in our computer lab which has eight terminals. It went pretty well.

I am thinking about how to do a graphic novels club. One of our library aides reviews manga. Hopefully, it will be a success. I have to figure out what to do right now for the club. We are also thinking about getting a poet who can slam. I know a bit about poetry, but I think a slam poet might draw a larger group of interested people.

Web Bits

100 best twitter feeds for the librarian of the future.

Feature Author: Sam Morton

Sam Morton is the author of Betrayed, a new release from Quake!

From the Back cover:

It’s an election year and Senator Ben “Pitchfork” Stevens from Texas made a campaign promise to stop illegal immigration. He virtually has. Problem is, people trying to cross the border seem to disappear. That’s a dilemma for 15-year-old Austin Pierce whose father is a political consultant and whose best friend, Rico Alvarez, happens to be in the United States illegally. When Austin discovers Rico’s beautiful cousin Veronica helps people break the law and cross the border from Mexico, he faces a decision: should he help his friends or try to stop the senator? Either path could lead to danger, even death.

And here's an excerpt from between the book covers:

"No. Your friend has come to our town—to our country—and I'm interested in what our American friends believe about our culture." Veronica's steel gaze locked into Austin. Even in the low light of the setting sun, he could see the glint in them.

But it seemed this girl had no interest in being friendly and Austin refused to be intimidated. He cleared his throat so his voice would be firm. "Well, I guess I just didn't expect to see all the retail stores here carrying all the familiar products, and whew, the Super Wal-Mart really threw me for a loop! I mean is there a place in the world those guys don't go?"

Rico put his palms out toward his friend attempting to quiet the rising tension and volume of their voices, both to no avail.

"I suppose you expected to come to some third-world dirt village, where the women grind corn and hand-pat tortillas around an open fire, and the men dress up like mariachis and sing the Mexican Hat Dance!" She swept her hands in each direction. "Or maybe you thought you'd find a bunch of gang bangers cruising around with handguns in low riders with bandana's half covering their eyes. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's more prevalent in Los Angeles—you know, the one in the United States."

"That's not what I meant," he said, his voice louder than he intended.

Her head seemed to swivel and she pointed an accusing finger in Austin's direction as she continued her rant. "Take a moment and look, Señior Pierce, and you'll see we're much the same. We have email and the internet, cable and satellite TV…surprise, surprise, surprise."

He cut her off, hands raised. "Exactly what did I do to piss you off, Roni?" Austin threw his hands apart and arched his brows, too. "I mean I hadn't even said hello before you turned your nose up at me like I reeked.”

The two had inched closer, squeezing Rico between them. They sat for a moment in an electric silence until Rico finally broke it.

"I can tell you exactly why she doesn't like you," he said.

Austin's eyes widened, the confirmation that the gorgeous cousin really disliked him striking a blow. Veronica's expression changed too. Her cheeks reddened and Austin thought her pupils glowed red. If the fire in them were real, Rico would be a block of crusted ash by now.

"She doesn't want you to know…"

"Rico do not …" she said through gritted teeth. Balled fists hung past her trousers just inches from the curb.

Her cousin ignored her. "She doesn't want you to find out that she has been helping people here cross the border illegally since she was twelve.

want more? click here for the first three chapters!

Readers are raving:

“I liked it so much, I read it three times!” - Jaylen Suther, 10th-grader, Irmo, S.C.

“Armed with a powerful story, stunning language, and a belief that right must triumph, Sam Morton weaves a tale of laughter, passion, and fury in Betrayed. Don’t miss a word. Sam is an author on the move.” - Pat Conroy, bestselling author of The Prince of Tides, Beach Music, and The Great Santini

Best, Worst, and Craziest Aspects of being a writer—

The best part for me, without question, is the creative process. I have complete control of the story—who lives, who dies, what takes place in the action, the emotions and reactions of the characters. I especially like, when it’s time for a bad guy to get his due, coming up with exceedingly painful and humiliating ways for the bad guys to die. I think I have an over-developed sense of justice!

The worst part of writing for me is always having to figure out how to have something go on behind my main character’s back without him knowing it, but at the same time letting the reader know. Some writers find that easy to do. I find that it takes a deftness of skill I’ve not yet mastered and have to work at.

The craziest part of being a writer—and I’ve talked to enough writers to know I am not alone—is that, as much as I love the creative process, when it comes time to put my fingers on the keyboard and write, I do almost anything to avoid it! I do laundry. I clean the kitchen. I’ll even re-organize my office. I believe I’m intimidated to some degree. Writing makes us all vulnerable, and even though we have back space keys and delete buttons, once you’ve written it, at least in an emotional sense, it’s out there and hard to take back.

What's next for Sam and Austin?

Austin will have another fabulous adventure. He will see a wrong and try to make it right. He will encounter the wrath and resistance of those committing the wrong, and his life, and those of his friends, will most definitely be in danger. Will he survive it this time? Will his friends? You’ll have to read to find out!

You can buy your copy of Sam's book early at Quake, or Amazon, visit him at his website or follow him on Twitter and facebook.

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Thanks Sam!