Sunday, October 31, 2010
Daily Thoughts 10/31/2010 (The Story of Stuff, ebooks)
Image from The Book of Hallowe'en. Caption "A Black-Cat Table.", 1919, Author Ruth Edna Kelley
Daily Thoughts 10/31/2010
Have a happy Halloween. The kids were out early today while it was light trick or treating. We gave out candy.
I've been reading more of The Story of Stuff. I agree with the author that stuff should be more durable, repairable, recyclable, and upgradable. Too much stuff which you can buy nowadays is poor quality and easily broken. I have had the same car for ten years and the same computer for six years with upgrades. I just fixed my watchband yesterday. I have had the same watch for over ten years. I also agree with the idea of reducing the amount of material which we use to make things. Packaging is getting lighter and more recyclable lightly. I wish this was true of many other items.
Web Bits
Lynn Abbey, CJ Cherryh, and Jane Fancher have an ebooks site where all the proceeds go to the authors. They are all excellent fantasy writers.
I took a few minutes to go back and check who was linked to my blog. There is Publishing Perspectives and Meditative Reading
Daily Thoughts 10/31/2010
Have a happy Halloween. The kids were out early today while it was light trick or treating. We gave out candy.
I've been reading more of The Story of Stuff. I agree with the author that stuff should be more durable, repairable, recyclable, and upgradable. Too much stuff which you can buy nowadays is poor quality and easily broken. I have had the same car for ten years and the same computer for six years with upgrades. I just fixed my watchband yesterday. I have had the same watch for over ten years. I also agree with the idea of reducing the amount of material which we use to make things. Packaging is getting lighter and more recyclable lightly. I wish this was true of many other items.
Web Bits
Lynn Abbey, CJ Cherryh, and Jane Fancher have an ebooks site where all the proceeds go to the authors. They are all excellent fantasy writers.
I took a few minutes to go back and check who was linked to my blog. There is Publishing Perspectives and Meditative Reading
Blameless An Alexia Tarabotti Novel by Gail Carriger
Blameless An Alexia Tarabotti Novel by Gail Carriger.
This is a wonderfully silly fantastic novel. It manages to mashup steampunk with werewolves and vampires in a comedy of manners. It is quite fun to read.
The main character who is pregnant by a werewolf travels to Italy where she meets the templars and learns a bit about her fathers history.
Lots of silliness ensues. Alexia Terrabotti endures ornithopter rides, angry vampires, and pesto in her travels in Italy. She wards off villains with her weigted dart shooting parasol with the help of her trusty footman Floote and the cross dressing hatmaker Madame Lefleux.
The writing is lighthearted and fun. It is well worth following the author, Gail Carriger. Her blog is quite fun to read with its pictures of parasols and other victorian and steampunk fashions.
book reviews,
Gail Carriger,
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Junior Officers Reading Club Killing Time and Fighting Wars by Patrick Hennessey
The Junior Officers Reading Club Killing Time and Fighting Wars by Patrick Hennessey.
Patrick Hennessey describes his infantry and officer training in Britain. Then he describes his tour of duty, first as an honor guard for Buckingham Palace, then his tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is very much a story about being a soldier willing to fight in hard circumstances.
Mixed in with his descriptions of of every day soldiering are descriptions of his reading. One of the books he is reading in Iraq is The Marsh Arabs by Wilfred Thessiger. Another book is Allan Hollinghurst's The Line of Beauty which he reads in Afghanistan. He also writes about some of the films he watches in basic training like Band of Brothers, Gladiator, and Saving Private Ryan.
The writing is thoughtful, analytical, has a touch of black humor, and throws in some strong language. The strong language is appropriate for some of the muddy, dirty, sandy places in Iraq and Afghanistan. It also fits in the leave time where soldiers drink hard, read, and think.
The writing swtiches between thoughtful stretches and lulls between combat. The combat scenes are fast, people get killed, ambushed, blown apart by IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices), and are wounded. The author is up front about his desire to get on the ground and destroy the enemy.
The description of the ANA (Afghan National Army) and the Iraqui guard are not very flattering, but the enemy taliban and Al Qaedar are described as being far worse. You get a sense from the book that the fighting in Afghanistan is much more intense than in Iraq. Also the descriptions of our allies in Afghanistan was quite eye opening. He does a good job of describing how different their thinking is than people in the west. The one thing which he does say that is intriguing is that the Afghanis don't want doctors and aid, they want teachers and learning. Patrick Hennessey also describes without hesitation how the taliban often use Chinese and Russian small arms and rpgs and are trained by Iranians.
I like the ending where Patrick Hennessey is sent to the United States to train marines to fight the taliban. Patrick Hennessey was promoted in the field to become the youngest frontline captain the United Kingdom's army. This book is honest, well written, thoughtful, often uncomfortable, and bloody. It is a memoir.
book reviews,
patrick hennessey,
the junior officers reading club,
Daily Thoughts 10/30/2010 (The Story of Stuff, Library Funding)
Geokeys, Globalization
Daily Thoughts 10/30/2010
Sometimes things are a bit tense. Six people have been offered retirement packages. There is no way to know if people will take them. There are added years of service but no additional severance being offered. With this comes a statement about peace of mind. Apparently, this is in preparation for further budget cuts from the city. There is a lot of hearsay flying around so I don't know the exact figures being given. The final budget for the city is being prepared. I could guess that we will experience another round of reduction in force, possibly with deeper cuts than before. It is tiring and uncertain. Currently the library is $400,000 in debt which is 10% of our current budget. An easy way to say this is that the city has no money and it is very likely there will be considerable additional cuts.
We will be having a book sale in November on November 5th and 6th to raise money for the friends. This usually brings in a couple of thousand dollars in total. It also generates a lot of goodwill. There is also the annual gala which is going to be hosted in the library on Thursday, November 11, 2010. It is put together by the library foundation. Tickets are $50. The foundation raised $20,000 for the childrens room last year. Hopefully, they will do better this year. In addition, there is the donation form on the library website. But, it probably will not be enough.
It would be nice to see a larger donor step up to the plate and for corporate sponsorship to happen as well. We have had the Women's Enterprise Development Center, the African American Chamber of Commerce, members of the Chamber of Commerce come in to do programming, and will soon have SCORE counseling. We also plan on working on a separate small business collection.
I spent some time looking for leads early in the year for prospects and the library recently updated our email list by over a thousand people. It might help a little bit.
It leads me to thinking about my own future. I have to consider different options. The economy is in fairly bad shape. I'll probably be going to Thinking Outside the Library: Non-traditional Careers for Information Professionals . There are other programs as well.
My watch band broke so I had to go and get it fixed. I took the bus downtown because it is very hard to find parking without paying. I read some more of The Story of Stuff. She is describing problems of countries which rely on mining, oil, and other extractive resources. Because these pay for the government and the citizens often don't, there are problems. It is interesting enough. Once again, though, she annoyed me by saying we could just use wind and solar to power our future. Wind, solar, solar towers and concentrators, biodiesel and other biofuels, geothermal, run of the river hydroelectric, wave generators like pelamis, waste to energy like plasma gasification, highly energy efficient devices, and advanced energy storage devices like flywheel energy storage together might completely power our future but not just wind and solar.
Daily Thoughts 10/30/2010
Sometimes things are a bit tense. Six people have been offered retirement packages. There is no way to know if people will take them. There are added years of service but no additional severance being offered. With this comes a statement about peace of mind. Apparently, this is in preparation for further budget cuts from the city. There is a lot of hearsay flying around so I don't know the exact figures being given. The final budget for the city is being prepared. I could guess that we will experience another round of reduction in force, possibly with deeper cuts than before. It is tiring and uncertain. Currently the library is $400,000 in debt which is 10% of our current budget. An easy way to say this is that the city has no money and it is very likely there will be considerable additional cuts.
We will be having a book sale in November on November 5th and 6th to raise money for the friends. This usually brings in a couple of thousand dollars in total. It also generates a lot of goodwill. There is also the annual gala which is going to be hosted in the library on Thursday, November 11, 2010. It is put together by the library foundation. Tickets are $50. The foundation raised $20,000 for the childrens room last year. Hopefully, they will do better this year. In addition, there is the donation form on the library website. But, it probably will not be enough.
It would be nice to see a larger donor step up to the plate and for corporate sponsorship to happen as well. We have had the Women's Enterprise Development Center, the African American Chamber of Commerce, members of the Chamber of Commerce come in to do programming, and will soon have SCORE counseling. We also plan on working on a separate small business collection.
I spent some time looking for leads early in the year for prospects and the library recently updated our email list by over a thousand people. It might help a little bit.
It leads me to thinking about my own future. I have to consider different options. The economy is in fairly bad shape. I'll probably be going to Thinking Outside the Library: Non-traditional Careers for Information Professionals . There are other programs as well.
My watch band broke so I had to go and get it fixed. I took the bus downtown because it is very hard to find parking without paying. I read some more of The Story of Stuff. She is describing problems of countries which rely on mining, oil, and other extractive resources. Because these pay for the government and the citizens often don't, there are problems. It is interesting enough. Once again, though, she annoyed me by saying we could just use wind and solar to power our future. Wind, solar, solar towers and concentrators, biodiesel and other biofuels, geothermal, run of the river hydroelectric, wave generators like pelamis, waste to energy like plasma gasification, highly energy efficient devices, and advanced energy storage devices like flywheel energy storage together might completely power our future but not just wind and solar.
Fim de semana: cuide de você e dos seus cosméticos!
O fim de semana está aí e nada melhor que usar um dia de folga para ficar bonita.
Dar uma arrumada nos cabelos, fazer as unhas, usar aquela máscara facial esquecida no fundo do armário, vestir uma roupa legal e fazer uma bela maquiagem.
E quer satisfação maior que cuidar de você e, ao mesmo tempo organizar as suas coisas? Impossível? Não é não! Quer ver só:
Antes de arrumar os cabelos, limpe os pentes, escovas e chapinha. Já falei sobre isso aqui e aqui.
Depois, separe seus cosméticos e maquinagens. Confira as datas de validade, olhe tudo, um por um e jogue fora o que está vencido.
Depois de separar pegue um pacote de lencinho humedecido (aqueles de limpar bumbum de bebê) e tire todo o pó que tiver na embalagem. Quando acabar de limpar coloque os produtos em duas caixas com tampa, para manter tudo protegido da umidade.
Lembre-se de lavar também os pincéis de maquiagem. É só colocá-los em um copo com água morna com umas gotinhas de sabonete neutro (e se quiser um pouquinho de condicionador neutro também). Deixe secar ou no sol ou com secador de cabelo, e só guarde quando estiver tudo bem sequinho.
Dê uma olhada nas lixas e pedra pomes, se estiverem em situação de miséria o melhor é jogar fora, caso contrário lave bem com água morna tirando todos os resíduos que possam estar lá. Se tiver tesourinha e alicate de unha dê uma checada no estado deles. Esterilize tudo em água fervente por 10 minutos, para eliminar qualquer bactéria que possa estar ali.
Aproveite o momento Amélia e passe um creme nas mãos (e coloque por cima uma luva) e uma máscara no cabelo (com touca).
Depois de tudo limpinho, já é hora de tirar a máscara do cabelo. Então, tome um belo banho, se arrume e pegue o maridão, namorado, ficante, e vá dar uma volta!
Bom feriado!
Dar uma arrumada nos cabelos, fazer as unhas, usar aquela máscara facial esquecida no fundo do armário, vestir uma roupa legal e fazer uma bela maquiagem.
E quer satisfação maior que cuidar de você e, ao mesmo tempo organizar as suas coisas? Impossível? Não é não! Quer ver só:
Antes de arrumar os cabelos, limpe os pentes, escovas e chapinha. Já falei sobre isso aqui e aqui.
Depois, separe seus cosméticos e maquinagens. Confira as datas de validade, olhe tudo, um por um e jogue fora o que está vencido.
Depois de separar pegue um pacote de lencinho humedecido (aqueles de limpar bumbum de bebê) e tire todo o pó que tiver na embalagem. Quando acabar de limpar coloque os produtos em duas caixas com tampa, para manter tudo protegido da umidade.
Lembre-se de lavar também os pincéis de maquiagem. É só colocá-los em um copo com água morna com umas gotinhas de sabonete neutro (e se quiser um pouquinho de condicionador neutro também). Deixe secar ou no sol ou com secador de cabelo, e só guarde quando estiver tudo bem sequinho.
Dê uma olhada nas lixas e pedra pomes, se estiverem em situação de miséria o melhor é jogar fora, caso contrário lave bem com água morna tirando todos os resíduos que possam estar lá. Se tiver tesourinha e alicate de unha dê uma checada no estado deles. Esterilize tudo em água fervente por 10 minutos, para eliminar qualquer bactéria que possa estar ali.
Aproveite o momento Amélia e passe um creme nas mãos (e coloque por cima uma luva) e uma máscara no cabelo (com touca).
Depois de tudo limpinho, já é hora de tirar a máscara do cabelo. Então, tome um belo banho, se arrume e pegue o maridão, namorado, ficante, e vá dar uma volta!
Bom feriado!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Limpando e organizando a geladeira
Eu já falei que entrei em uma fase faxina total e se era para limpar a geladeira, é claro que eu não ia fazer fazer uma limpezinha básica. Então, fui pesquisar e me surpreendi com o que eu achei.
Sabia que sua geladeira esconde perfeitos vilões, dignos de fazer inveja a qualquer personagem maligno de novela? E que silenciosamente eles podem te causar até 250 doenças? Se você sabia, parabéns pra você, porque eu não fazia a mínima ideia!
E, pra evitar a ação destes seres malignos, após horas e horas de muita pesquisa, separei algumas dicas:
- Para limpar a geladeira:
Se você, como eu, mora em uma região quente e possui geladeira semi-automática, deve descongelar sua geladeira a cada 4 dias. Quem mora em regiões mais frias pode fazer isso a cada 7 dias.
Pra começar, desligue a tomada.
A limpeza básica é feita com uma solução de 1 colher (chá) de bicarbonato de sódio para cada litro de água. Molhe o pano na solução e passe em todas as paredes internas da geladeira, nas gavetas, nas prateleiras e no congelador. Enxague bem com pano molhado e depois seque com um paninho seco.
E você jura que eu iria me contentar com isso?
Contra todas as orientações, passei uma bucha nova, do lado amarelo com detergente neutro. Não satisfeita, usei uma escova de dentes macia para escovar cada cantinho. E tenha certeza de que você encontrará mais locais que guardam sujeira do que você jamais possa ter imaginado.
Outra dica é desmontar a geladeira. E não é só tirar grades e gavetas não! procure retirar todas as partes que possam ser desmontadas da sua geladeira. E não esqueça aquela peça que faz o acabamento dos pés, em baixo da porta.
Depois de enxaguar, passei um paninho com uma solução de álcool e água. Mas só na parte interna, pra não danificar a pintura.
Não esqueça de limpar bem a borracha de vedação da porta, com uma solução de 1 litro de água com 2 colheres (sopa) de água sanitária e uma escovinha. Mas, se a borracha estiver danificada, mande trocar o mais rápido possível. Seu bolso agradece.
- Depois de limpa, é hora de organizar os alimentos:
Gaveta superior:
Carnes cruas. Atenção: Nunca lave a carne antes de guardá-la!
Carnes cozidas devem ser mantidas no congelador, envoltos em papel alumínio.
Primeira prateleira: Aqui ficam os alimentos que precisam de maior refrigeração.
Leite e derivados.
Ovos não vão na porta, para evitar a variação térmica, e devem ser lavados antes de guardar, pois pode haver micro-organismos (como a salmonela) na casca.
Catchup, mostarda, maionese e molho inglês também não devem ser colocados na porta da geladeira, pois isso diminui muito a sua validade.
Prateleiras intermediarias: Guloseimas e sobras de alimentos.
Latas podem sofrer contaminação nos supermercados e oxidar, por isso, coloque os enlatados em potes. Molho de tomate é muito perecível e deve ser consumido de uma só vez ou congelado – não deixe restos na geladeira.
Utilize sempre potinhos ou recipientes com tampa. Os potes retangulares ou quadrados podem ser colocados uns em cima dos outros, ocupando menos espaço. Vasilhas de vidro ou inox são mais higiênicas que as de plástico.
Restos só devem ser tampados depois de frios.
O pó de café guardado na geladeira tem seu sabor acentuado.
Gaveta: Frutas e verduras.
Elas devem ser lavadas e armazenadas em saquinhos transparentes para então serem guardadas.
Lave as folhas em água corrente, remova caules e folhas que não serão usadas.
Vinagre: Em temperatura ambiente, ele pode sofrer contaminação de bactérias.
Água vai num recipiente fechado e de vidro.
Cervejas devem ser tomadas de uma só vez.
Conservas, geleias e vidros de azeitona podem ser colocados nas prateleiras da porta.
Não mantenha mais de 5 quilos na porta.
Os alimentos que são comprados congelados devem ser guardados diretamente no freezer e se forem descongelados, não devem voltar para lá.
Os alimentos prontos devem ser consumidos em até 24 horas após o descongelamento.
- E agora, esteja atenta ao tempo que cada produto pode ficar na geladeira! Estes esqueminhas da Revista Superinteressante podem te ajudar.
Se a sua geladeira está precisando de uma geral, separe algumas horas do seu tempo. Eu gastei 6 horas para limpar a minha, mas valeu à pena cada minuto!
Sabia que sua geladeira esconde perfeitos vilões, dignos de fazer inveja a qualquer personagem maligno de novela? E que silenciosamente eles podem te causar até 250 doenças? Se você sabia, parabéns pra você, porque eu não fazia a mínima ideia!
E, pra evitar a ação destes seres malignos, após horas e horas de muita pesquisa, separei algumas dicas:
- Para limpar a geladeira:
Se você, como eu, mora em uma região quente e possui geladeira semi-automática, deve descongelar sua geladeira a cada 4 dias. Quem mora em regiões mais frias pode fazer isso a cada 7 dias.
Pra começar, desligue a tomada.
A limpeza básica é feita com uma solução de 1 colher (chá) de bicarbonato de sódio para cada litro de água. Molhe o pano na solução e passe em todas as paredes internas da geladeira, nas gavetas, nas prateleiras e no congelador. Enxague bem com pano molhado e depois seque com um paninho seco.
E você jura que eu iria me contentar com isso?
Contra todas as orientações, passei uma bucha nova, do lado amarelo com detergente neutro. Não satisfeita, usei uma escova de dentes macia para escovar cada cantinho. E tenha certeza de que você encontrará mais locais que guardam sujeira do que você jamais possa ter imaginado.
Outra dica é desmontar a geladeira. E não é só tirar grades e gavetas não! procure retirar todas as partes que possam ser desmontadas da sua geladeira. E não esqueça aquela peça que faz o acabamento dos pés, em baixo da porta.
Depois de enxaguar, passei um paninho com uma solução de álcool e água. Mas só na parte interna, pra não danificar a pintura.
Não esqueça de limpar bem a borracha de vedação da porta, com uma solução de 1 litro de água com 2 colheres (sopa) de água sanitária e uma escovinha. Mas, se a borracha estiver danificada, mande trocar o mais rápido possível. Seu bolso agradece.
- Depois de limpa, é hora de organizar os alimentos:
Gaveta superior:
Carnes cruas. Atenção: Nunca lave a carne antes de guardá-la!
Carnes cozidas devem ser mantidas no congelador, envoltos em papel alumínio.
Primeira prateleira: Aqui ficam os alimentos que precisam de maior refrigeração.
Leite e derivados.
Ovos não vão na porta, para evitar a variação térmica, e devem ser lavados antes de guardar, pois pode haver micro-organismos (como a salmonela) na casca.
Catchup, mostarda, maionese e molho inglês também não devem ser colocados na porta da geladeira, pois isso diminui muito a sua validade.
Prateleiras intermediarias: Guloseimas e sobras de alimentos.
Latas podem sofrer contaminação nos supermercados e oxidar, por isso, coloque os enlatados em potes. Molho de tomate é muito perecível e deve ser consumido de uma só vez ou congelado – não deixe restos na geladeira.
Utilize sempre potinhos ou recipientes com tampa. Os potes retangulares ou quadrados podem ser colocados uns em cima dos outros, ocupando menos espaço. Vasilhas de vidro ou inox são mais higiênicas que as de plástico.
Restos só devem ser tampados depois de frios.
O pó de café guardado na geladeira tem seu sabor acentuado.
Gaveta: Frutas e verduras.
Elas devem ser lavadas e armazenadas em saquinhos transparentes para então serem guardadas.
Lave as folhas em água corrente, remova caules e folhas que não serão usadas.
Vinagre: Em temperatura ambiente, ele pode sofrer contaminação de bactérias.
Água vai num recipiente fechado e de vidro.
Cervejas devem ser tomadas de uma só vez.
Conservas, geleias e vidros de azeitona podem ser colocados nas prateleiras da porta.
Não mantenha mais de 5 quilos na porta.
Os alimentos que são comprados congelados devem ser guardados diretamente no freezer e se forem descongelados, não devem voltar para lá.
Os alimentos prontos devem ser consumidos em até 24 horas após o descongelamento.
- E agora, esteja atenta ao tempo que cada produto pode ficar na geladeira! Estes esqueminhas da Revista Superinteressante podem te ajudar.
Se a sua geladeira está precisando de uma geral, separe algumas horas do seu tempo. Eu gastei 6 horas para limpar a minha, mas valeu à pena cada minuto!
Daily Thoughts 10/29/2010 (Business Books, The Story of Stuff)
Interior with poppies and reading woman (Lizzy Hohlenberg), 1905, Oil On Canvas, by Anna Ancher, Skagens Museum
Daily Thoughts 10/29/2010
This morning, I started reading The Story of Stuff How Our Obsession With Stuff Is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health by Annie Leonard. It is very much an environmentalist and anti-consumerist book. It follows the path of our stuff from when it is made to when we use it to when we throw it away to when it ends in the dump.
This morning we talked about possibly merchandising (creating a separate collection) for the small business books. I am looking at the Gaylord catalog which is a label catalog for business labels. We also talked a bit about business dvds.
I did a little bit of weeding in the oversize books and a bit of shelf reading in the 800s.
In the New York Times book review, one book caught my attention; The Gun, The AK-47 and the Evolution of War by C.J. Chivers.
On the way home, I read some more of The Story of Stuff. The author is using a lot of liberal causes in her writing. It feels very politically correct which can be annoying at times. However, the sympathy there seems to be right. I am not sure that I agree with everything she is saying. I am reading this book because it is printed on recycled paper. Ecolibris is doing a campaign to get people to read books printed on recycled paper.
Web Bits
All Hallow's Read
If you get a chance take a look at the New York Librarians Meetup blog, it is well worth going to their events.
Daily Thoughts 10/29/2010
This morning, I started reading The Story of Stuff How Our Obsession With Stuff Is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health by Annie Leonard. It is very much an environmentalist and anti-consumerist book. It follows the path of our stuff from when it is made to when we use it to when we throw it away to when it ends in the dump.
This morning we talked about possibly merchandising (creating a separate collection) for the small business books. I am looking at the Gaylord catalog which is a label catalog for business labels. We also talked a bit about business dvds.
I did a little bit of weeding in the oversize books and a bit of shelf reading in the 800s.
In the New York Times book review, one book caught my attention; The Gun, The AK-47 and the Evolution of War by C.J. Chivers.
On the way home, I read some more of The Story of Stuff. The author is using a lot of liberal causes in her writing. It feels very politically correct which can be annoying at times. However, the sympathy there seems to be right. I am not sure that I agree with everything she is saying. I am reading this book because it is printed on recycled paper. Ecolibris is doing a campaign to get people to read books printed on recycled paper.
Web Bits
All Hallow's Read
If you get a chance take a look at the New York Librarians Meetup blog, it is well worth going to their events.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Daily Thoughts 10/28/2010 (The Junior Officer's Reading Club)
U.S. Army Spc. Michael Perkins, right, assigned to 1st Calvary Division, hands boxes filled with books to a fellow soldier in Kirkuk, Iraq, April 26, 2009. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gustavo Olgiati, Government Photo, Public Domain.
Daily Thoughts 10/28/2010
I read some more of The Junior Officers' Reading Club. I like the description of how it was so hot in Iraq that the pages were coming unglued from The Marsh Arabs by Wilfred Thesiger's. I also liked the authors decision to stop reading Don Quixote by Cervantes. Most of the book is about soldiering. There are a few literary references as you go through the book.
I did a little bit of weeding today in the oversize books and printed more copies of the Internet Marketing bibliography. I also checked the displays to make sure they are in order. The new website is starting to shape up nicely. It is done with Drupal which is an open source system.
On the way home I read more of The Junior Officer's Reading Club. It is interesting contemplating Patrick Hennessey reading Ayn Rand in Afghanistan. For some reason, I find it utterly appropriate.
Web Bits
American Library Association Book Donation Programs List
Daily Thoughts 10/28/2010
I read some more of The Junior Officers' Reading Club. I like the description of how it was so hot in Iraq that the pages were coming unglued from The Marsh Arabs by Wilfred Thesiger's. I also liked the authors decision to stop reading Don Quixote by Cervantes. Most of the book is about soldiering. There are a few literary references as you go through the book.
I did a little bit of weeding today in the oversize books and printed more copies of the Internet Marketing bibliography. I also checked the displays to make sure they are in order. The new website is starting to shape up nicely. It is done with Drupal which is an open source system.
On the way home I read more of The Junior Officer's Reading Club. It is interesting contemplating Patrick Hennessey reading Ayn Rand in Afghanistan. For some reason, I find it utterly appropriate.
Web Bits
American Library Association Book Donation Programs List
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