"Le premier livre des cachets, marques et monogrammes" (inside title page, p. vi)by George Auriol (Paris: Librairie centrale des beaux-arts, 1901)
Daily Thoughts 3/31/2011
This morning, I spent a little more time reading The Wise Man's Fear.
Today, I checked the displays, updated the Twitter account, and spent a little bit of time making sure that the display for old photographs of the library was in order. I also put up a display for National Poetry Month which is in April. On April 14, 2011 we are doing a Writers Networking event from 6:30-8:00 p.m. focused on poetry. I also picked out a few poems for the Poem In Your Pocket event on April 14, 2011. http://www.poets.org/page.php/prmID/409
We had a meeting this afternoon focusing on summer programming. We are going to have an Adult Summer Reading program. I am thinking about two events for the program, a Scrabble hour, and a Lunch Hour Book Chat where we talk about books which we are reading. This is part of a program where we sign up people to read books. At the end we have a celebration where we raffle off a gift basket and some books for people who participated in the program. Last year The Friends of the Library helped us with this.
This afternoon, I printed up some more flyers for a few programs in the library. I also spent some time typing the paper surveys into the computer.
Distância, é difícil conviver com ela, ver as pessoas que você mais gostava se distanciando , se afastando, é complicado. Algumas distâncias vem para o bem, serve para nos ajudar a desapegar das pessoas, por mais doloroso que seja. Estou vendo a distância de coisas, pessoas, sonhos, de amores, estou vendo tudo se afastando, mas o que posso fazer, se é pra ser assim que seja. Cada dia que passa, estou convivendo mais com a distância, estou aprendendo. Dizem que se alguma coisa algum dia realmente foi seu, ela nunca vai embora, ela volta. será verdade? Amigos voltaram? Amores? Sonhos? Tudo questão de tempo, mas o tempo não anda ajudando, ele está dando força a distância, que está separando o que eu mais gosto de mim.
He went out under the grey leaves, all grey and indistinct, this olive grove, and buried his dusty face in the dust of his hot hands.
It has come to this. Is this how it ends? Must I continue when I'm going blind? Why do you want me to say you exist when I no longer find you myself?
I cannot find you any more. Not within me. Not in others. Not in these stones. I find you no longer. I am alone.
I am alone with everyone's sorrow, the sorrow I tried to relieve through you, you who do not exist. O unspeakable shame. Later they would say an angel came.
[Main Reading Room under construction in the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building] Shows circular central desk and reading room desks. Date Created/Published: [between ca. 1880 and 1896]
Daily Thoughts 3/30/2011
I finished watching Star Wars yesterday and started watching The Empire Strikes Back. They have a very different feel to them than when I first saw them. The story is very basic.
I also have been reading more of The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. It has a beautiful quality to it. The fantasy has elements of intrigue, romance, games, music, and poetry. It is not swords and sorcery. The story is quite sophisticated.
Continuing the cycle of Cultural Days of the report, conducted Tuesday a new activity under the National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice. This time, Dictatorship and the theme was football and the discussion revolved around the World '78.
The activity took place at our headquarters and like the previous day where rock was discussed and dictatorship, it was projected this time a documentary about the '78 World and then a discussion was generated debate among young people who participated the day. The activity also benefited from the presence of one of the Human Rights concerning the city of Mar del Plata, Julio Dauro, who shared his involvement as an activist during that period and his experience as a detainee-disappeared when he was abducted in the field Torture Cave.
cycle continues Cultural Days during the month of April. In this way we continue to seek to promote youth engagement in Memory and Human Rights.
They are assembled around him, troubled and confused. He seems withdrawn, as if, strangely, he were flowing past those to whom he had belonged. The old aloneness comes over him. It had prepared him for his deep work. Now once again he will go out to the olive groves. Now those who love him will flee from him.
He had bid them come to this last meal. Their hands on the bread tremble now at the words he speaks, tremble in sudden silence as a forest does when a gun is fired. They long to leave, and they will. But they will find him everywhere.
Como é engraçado como destino trabalha,se encarrega tira pessoas de nossas vidas, talvez seja aquelas amizades que iria nos decepcionar, ou pessoas que iriam nos machucar.
Hoje pode ser que eu fique triste, chore, mas sei que amanhã não sentirei mais nada, passará, como tudo na vida.
Pessoas entram para nos dar uma lição, estou vendo a lição a ser aprendida: a tentar ser o máximo possível eu, ser útil, e aprender a não acreditar muito no que as pessoas dizem, muitas vezes dizem coisas para te agradar, mas aquilo não é verdade não passa de uma grande mentira.
Não sei mais se posso confiar nas pessoas com a mesma freqüência que confiava, que posso gostar de uma pessoa por detalhes que ela tem, já que a mesma já me decepcionou algumas vezes.
Ok, não estou bem, pois estou vendo que amigos amigos mesmo, tenho poucos, e amor, esse sim me irrita, pois acabou, simplesmente sumiu.
As vezes nós paramos para pensar, vemos que pessoas cada dia menos se conhecem, que todos estão virado para sua própria vinda, apenas fofocando da vida aleia , vemos que aquelas pessoas que mais eram importantes para você, te abandonaram, te esqueceram. Aquelas pessoas que te dizem que você é amigo, que nunca vai te esquecer, foi tudo da boca pra fora.
Realmente percebemos, que pessoas, são apenas pessoas, mentem, te enganam, te fazem de tontas, ou apenas mudam de opinião. Vemos que amigos são aqueles que se importam com você, te procuram, querem realmente fazer parte da sua vida, ter histórias para contar, histórias que aconteceu com vocês.
Seria falta de tempo para querer saber de você?
Cadê aquelas pessoas que te disseram que não iam te abandonar? Que sempre iriam lembrar de você? É elas simplesmente esqueceu, ou, já não se importa mais com você.Você foi uma fase, uma amizade passageira, uma pessoa que tanto faz, tanto fez, logo você, que lutou por aquela amizade, procurou a pessoa, insistir na amizade.Não digo de uma pessoa, mas sim de varias.
Pessoas que eu dizia ser uma das mais importantes para mim, simplesmente me esqueceu, me trata como se fosse passado. É pecado gostar de um amigo? É pecado procurar uma amiga?
Percebemos, que amigos, realmente sobram poucos....
Hoje EU percebi tudo isso, apenas acordei para as amizades...
Cansei de ser feita de trouxa das pessoas, de todas quererem que você se preocupe com os problemas deles, e eles nem ligarem para o seu.
The person who has not, in a moment of firm resolve, accepted—yes, even rejoiced in—what has struck him with terror—he has never taken possession of the full, ineffable power of our existence. He withdraws to the edge; when things play out, he will be neither alive nor dead.
To discover the unity of dread and bliss, these two faces of the same divinity (indeed, they reveal themselves as a single face that presents itself differently according to the way in which we see it): that is the essential meaning and theme of both my books (The Sonnets to Orpheus and The Duino Elegies).
Book jacket with engraving of E. T. A. Hoffmann, Lebens-Ansichten des Katers Murr, third edition, Berlin 1855, volume 2. The title is nearly identical to that of the 1st edition; the jackets of both volumes are identical besides the caption “Erster Band.” and “Zweiter Band.” The engraving showing the learned tom cat Murr is based on an original design from Hoffmann. Hoffmann also gives a description of exactly this picture in his preface to the 1st volume.
Daily Thoughts 3/28/2011
I read some more of The Wise Man's Fear this morning. I like that the main character was a student at a university for magic. It adds a nice touch of intrigue.
This morning, I put up some photographs of the library from the local history room in the rotunda. We house different exhibits in the rotunda. I also put in a few banners which explain what the photographs are. We have scanned in a number of the photographs and the senior clerk who works with computers is captioning them right now on Flickr. It is very interesting to look at.
I also updated the Twitter account, entered some surveys and checked the displays this morning. This afternoon, I checked on the gift books. There was one I added.
I placed a hold on the novella, The Alchemist by Paolo Bacigalupi; it is part of a book with another novella, The Executioness by Tobias Buckell. I also placed a hold on a short story collection, Metatropolis edited by John Scalzi. The Desert of Souls by Howard Andrew Jones also looks execellent. It is a story set in the 8th century middle east.
The graphic novel, Richard Stark's Parker The Outfit adapted by Darwyn Cooke came in for me to read. Richard Stark was a pseudonym for Donald Westlake when he was writing his hard boiled crime novels. The previous Richard Stark graphic novel, The Hunter won the Eisner Award in 2008.
I took a few minutes to look through the Mount Vernon Public Library Anniversary Calendar 1896-1946 which has a number of captions describing photographs we are planning on showing on Flickr. The calendar was produced for the fiftieth anniversary charter of the Mount Vernon Public Library by the University of the State of New York, March 18, 1896.
Segunda-feira. Mais uma semana começando. E como toda segunda é "o" dia de todas as promessas, que tal usar essa segunda pra planejar aquela mudança que você tanto quer fazer no seu lar doce lar?
E quem melhor que Marcelo Rosenbaum para nos dar dicas simples, mas preciosas, de como transformar sua casa?
Então, vamos ao que interessa:
"• Compre um móvel antigo (ou “roube” da casa da avó) e pinte com uma cor primária ou outra bem vibrante e moderna, como o roxo.
• Quando viajar traga sempre alguma coisa para sua casa.
Esse é meu!
• O papel de parede voltou com tudo, mas de uma forma diferenciada. Em vez de revestir uma sala inteira, opte por colocá-lo apenas em uma parede, por exemplo.
• Invista em capas de sofá. Elas dão uma cara nova para o móvel e para o ambiente inteiro. E brinque com estampas: se você tem dois sofás, compre uma capa lisa para um, e uma listrada para o outro.
• Crie um novo contexto para um objeto importante da sua vida ou infância, mesmo que esteja fora de moda. Dê a ele status de “objeto de arte”. Se você patinou no gelo boa parte da sua vida, pendure os patins na parede em vez de deixá-los mofando no armário. Coloque sobre a mesa um brinquedo inesquecível. E assim por diante.
O disco de vinil vira uma silheta - Imagem Google
• Pinte uma parede importante de um ambiente com uma cor diferente. Ela trará vida, felicidade e acolhimento. Na dúvida, opte por cores terrosas e tons opacos. "
I am not saying that we should love death, but rather that we should love life so generously, without picking and choosing, that we automatically include it (life's other half) in our love. This is what actually happens in the great expansiveness of love, which cannot be stopped or constricted. It is only because we exclude it that death becomes more and more foreign to us and, ultimately, our enemy.
It is conceivable that death is infinitely closer to us than life itself. . . . What do we know of it?
Ishiyakushi Print shows an elderly traveler or monk reading banners hanging above a watering trough; his hat is on the ground behind him. Date Created/Published: 1804.
Daily Thoughts 3/27/2011
I am taking a little break this weekend. Right now, I am reading The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. I am also watching the original Star Wars trilogy on video. I am enjoying reading The Wise Man's Fear. The book is on the Locus Bestseller list as well as the New York Times Bestseller list. It is fantasy. Most fantasy books do not make it there.
And you wait. You wait for the one thing that will change your life, make it more than it is— something wonderful, exceptional, stones awakening, depths opening to you.
In the dusky bookstalls old books glimmer gold and brown. You think of lands you journeyed through, of paintings and a dress once worn by a woman you never found again.
And suddenly you know: that was enough. You rise and there appears before you in all its longings and hesitations the shape of what you lived.
Sim, há uma diferença entre amor e apego.Apego é aquela "coisa" que aparente ser amos, que você não consegue viver sem o outro, se você está em um cômodo da casa e a outra em outro, você pergunta onde está. Isso é confundido com o amor, cada vez mais, as pessoas pensam que estão amando, mas na verdade estão super apegados na pessoa, e acaba sendo paixão, mas não amor. Fico irritada, um casal que começou a namorar ontem e mal se conheciam, dizem hoje que se amam, que não vivem sem o outro, que um é tudo para o outro. Realmente, quando você ama uma pessoa, você quer estar com ela, quer que ela seja sua metade, seu romance, mas apego chega a ser doentio. Cada vez menos as pessoas amam e dizem que amam, dá pra entender? Quando alguém me diz que ama, primeira coisa que me vem a mente é perguntar quanto tempo, ai sim posso pensar se é amor ou não. Pessoas confundem amar a pessoa com amor estar com a pessoa, chega a ser cômico se não fosse trágico.
Olá meninas! Sentiram minha falta? Pois é, dei uma sumidinha, mas foi totalmente involuntária... Andei meio mal esses dias, caí de cama e quase não conseguia fazer nada. Mas a semana se foi levando com ela o meu mal-esta e aqui estou, recuperada e muito feliz com a surpresa que eu tive. É que, como postei o sellinho e "sumi", acabei não avisando a qem eu tinha repassado... (Peço mil desculpas por isso!) E não é que, devagarzinho, elas foram passando por aqui e descobrindo a indicação? Vocês têm ideia de como isso me fez feliz? Pois então aumenta! Mas aumenta com vontade, porque ainda vai ser pouco!
Acho que o "piripaque" que eu tive foi um misto de cansaço com stress. Chegou uma hora que o meu corpo me fez parar à força. Quem convive comigo sabe o quanto eu sou exigente, não tanto com os outros quanto sou comigo. Eu simplesmente não aceito algo feito pela metade, ou mal feito, ou simplesmente desconhecer algo. E, principalmente, sou super centralizadora! Aí acumulo mil coisas para fazer. Eu sei que é o meu próximo ponto a ser trabalhado, mas... agora não dá! E depois de uma semana quase toda ausente do trabalho, o que é que eu vou fazer hoje? Trabalhar! Pois é, eu simplesmente encontrei uma verdadeira montanha de papéis na volta... e como não sou de deixar pra depois, resolvi encarar de uma vez esse monte de notas, relatórios e todo o tipo de docmento (e de bagunça também) que está por aqui. E já que eu vou tabalhar, resta sonhar com o lugar onde eu gostaria de estar agora...
Imagem: Google
Porque um pouco de sombra e água fresca não faz mal a ninguém!
Bom fim de semana! Divirtam-se bastante, por vocês e por mim! Beijos
I stretched my wings wide and became incredibly vast. Now your narrow dwelling overflows with my robes. Yet you are alone as never before, and barely look at me. I could be just a breeze in the grove. You, though, are the tree.
Never was there such longing, so great and so uncertain. Maybe something is soon to occur that has come to you in dreams. I greet you, for my soul sees now that you have ripened and are ready. You are a high and awesome gate and soon you will open. You are the ear my song is seeking, the forest in which my word is lost.
So I came and made real what you dared so long to dream. God looked right at me, it was blinding . . .
Minha mente trabalha mais rápido do que eu. Fala coisas que devo ou não fazer, por isso sou complicada de entender. Você me entende? Sou extremamente complicada, uma hora quero, outra hora odeio, uma hora te amo, outra não posso te ver, tenho vontade de te abraçar, tenho vontade de jogar você da escada. Alguém me conhece realmente? Sabe o que passa na minha cabeça, conhece meus pensamentos obscuros? Nem eu me conheço direito, eu me vejo como complicada, e desse jeito que gosto, de ser diferente. Você me entende? Não é o único, tenho minhas varias vidas, Amiga, Meio Mãe, Irmã, Bruxa (boa), Apaixonada, Odiada, Chata, Irritante, Admiradora do Rock, Odiadora do Colorida, Feliz, Depressiva, Calma, Assassina, A Pior Risada, Loira(agora).... E então me entende? me acha complicada? Não conhece metade....
Every year, Youth Solidarity, marched yesterday to accompany the mothers and grandmothers at 35 years of the coup that launched the self-proclaimed National Reorganization Process.
lifter and one of the flags representing the organization, which is reflected in social portraits that decorate the venue, and in the name of it, commemorated in a plaque and Gaston Muñoz Silvia Larrieu. Between dye flags flew Youth Solidarity, was a square of seven colors, known as the Wiphala, and the blue and white of our country.
The event lasted three hours and ended with a march at the epicenter of the city.
Lesende im Scherenstuhl. Um 1900. Aquarell und Kohlezeichnung. 69 x 57,5 cm, by Max Hendricke.
Daily Thoughts 3/25/2011
Today, I started reading Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear. I rather like that the main character studies both alchemy and music at the university where he is learning magic.
This morning, I checked the displays, updated the Twitter account, and did some more tabulating for the survey. We have 147 surveys that were brought in directly by the library and 44 that were sent in via the website so far.
We are working on putting together an annotated Flickr! gallery of historical photographs of our library. I already printed up a few color pictures to put in one of the display cases.
Today has been slow and steady. I took some time to clean my desk and update my phone book. I also checked out the book, Getting More How To Negotiate to Achieve Your Goals In The Real World by Stuart Diamond.
The March 17, 2011 New York Times Book Review has a review of The Information by James Gleick. I liked reading the book. It was information as the underpinning of how the universe works from the positive and negative spin of electrons, the code in dna, to the zeros and ones in computers.
Hopefully, I will get a chance to go to a Meetup to tour The Swann Galleries in Manhattan with the New York Library Club and the New York Librarians Meetup on April 5, 2011. It would be a nice break and a chance to see something interesting.
It's not that you are closer to God than we; We are all far from God. But your hands seem to me so wonderfully blessed, made ready as no other woman's. They are almost radiant. I am the day, I am the dew. You, though, are the tree.
I am tired now, I have traveled a long way. Forgive me, but I have forgotten what He, enthroned in gold like the sun, wanted me to tell you, quiet one. All that space made me dizzy, but I am just the beginning. You, though, are the tree.
Hoje é dia de Santa Sara de Kali. Protetora do Povo Cigano, protetora de todos nós.
Nossa Santa, Nossa Deusa.
Oração de Santa Sara de Kali:
Santa Sara, minha protetora, cubra-me com seu manto celestial. Afaste as negatividades que porventura estejam querendo me atingir. Santa sara, protetora dos ciganos, sempre que estivermos nas estradas do mundo, proteja-nos e ilumine nossas caminhadas e nossas vidas com seu poder celestial, para que tenhamos um presente e um futuro tão brilhantes, como são os brilhos dos cristais. Santa Sara, ajude os necessitados; dê luz para os que vivem na escuridão, saúde para os que estão enfermos, arrependimento para os culpados e paz para os tranqüilos. Santa Sara, que o seu raio de paz, de saúde e de amor possa entrar em cada lar, neste momento, dando esperança de dias melhores para essa humanidade tão sofrida. Santa Sara milagrosa, protetora do povo cigano, abençoe a todos nós, que somos filhos do mesmo Deus.
Música em homenagem ao povo cigano, que tanto nos ajudou, mesmo com tanto preconceito que eles sofre, sempre alegres e dispostos a ajudar. Muito obrigada ao povo cigano..
... Uma cosa eu posso dizer com propriedade.Em meus poucos anos de vida, eu já sabia que, conforme um raio, o amor romântico não podia nascer duas vezes do mesmo terreno. E só era amo aquele que tinha raízes tão profundas quanto a beleza das flores. Eu não me refiro à paixão, à pele, ao desejo. Eu me refiro a fatos sublimes dos sentimentos inexplorados, das noites sem dormir, dos sonhos inacabados.Eu falo de um amo sublime e verdadeiro, que se é possível sentir uma única vez, relacionado a uma única pessoa.
Trecho do livro: Estrela Píer - O tempo, a chuva, o outro. Escrito Por : Kamila Denlescki.
As part of of topic on ROBOTS we have been learning about electricity (as robots would be pretty useless without it).
One of our investigations involved using balloons and our sweaters to generate some static electricity. Here's an example of the learning taking place.
(Apologies for the background noise but when the children are really enjoying their learning they tend to let each other know and things can get a bit noisy.)
Wonder Book For Girls & Boys by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1892, Illustrated by Walter Crane
Daily Thoughts 3/24/2011
I finished reading The Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku. It has a very positive feel to it. The author reminds us to not let go of the ability to constantly invent new technology and research new science, it is extremely important for our future. We had a webinar this morning in the computer lab, AARP's Living Well in Westchester Webinar Series. It was focusing on affordable housing and assisted living for seniors.
Today has been steady. I made some calls to schedule workshops on different subjects during the next several months including wills, foreclosure, and energy efficiency, all subjects which I think there might be some interest in.
I also spent some more time looking at different photographs of the library. In the early 1900s we had a fireplace in the childrens room which is a bit different. There is even an advertisement to buy a brick for the fireplace to support the library. We also have pictures of a doll case display from 1970 which is intriguing.
Any angel is frightening. Yet, because I know of you, I invoke you in spite of myself, you lethal birds of the soul.
Fated to be happy from the beginning of time, creation's spoiled immortal darlings, summits of the cosmos shining at dawn, pollen from heavenly blossoms, limbs of light, hallways, stairs, thrones carved from existence, shields of ecstasy, shrines for delight— and suddenly, each one, mirror: where our own evanescent beauty is gathered into an enduring countenance.
Young and old visit the library on the parkway Poster promoting libraries, showing a family going to the library. Date Created/Published: Pennsylvania : WPA Federal Art Project, [1936 or 1937]
Daily Thoughts 3/23/2011
This morning, I checked the Twitter feed and tabulated some more surveys. The surveys are interesting to read. We also opened the computer lab in the rotunda so people could search for jobs. It went quite well. There are two handouts we created for internet job search.
I also spent some time looking at identified pictures from the libraries history. We have many pictures from 1938 as well as some pictures from the childrens' room in 1909. I especially like a picture of the old bookmobile from 1940.
Esmeralda Santiago has a novel coming out in July called Conquistadora which is about plantation life in Puerto Rico. I very much enjoyed her autobiography, When I was a Puerto Rican. Also John Scalzi is coming out with an authorized version of a book called Fuzzy Nation which is based on H. Beam Piper's Fuzzy books. Another novel which looks interesting is Embassytown by China Mieville which is about alien contact and language.
Sometimes you see things which are a little funny. There is a new children's picture book which features surfing called Dude: Fun With Dude and Betty by Lisa Pliscou, illustrated by Tom Dunne. The title caught my attention along with the review in the March 21, 2011 Publishers Weekly. It is supposed to be a spoof of the Dick and Jane books. Another title which caught my attention is Pink Boots and a Machete: My Journey from NFL Cheerleader to National Geographic Explorer by Mireya Mayor in the March 15, 2011 Booklist. These are both wonderful examples of how a title can catch a readers attention. There is a third title which caught my attention as well, this is something I might read; Johnny Appleseed: The Man, the Myth, and the American Story by Howard Means.
The March 15, 2011 Booklist is a graphic novels issue. I put the the graphic book, Richard Stark's Parker: The Outfit by Darwyn Cooke on hold. It looks to be a noire graphic novel.
The executive director ANSES Diego Bossio, and the Minister of Education, Alberto Sileoni, opened last Thursday, the first Latin American Seminar on Education 1 to 1, where 12 countries in the region to share experiences of implementing technology in teaching and learning processes. This meeting is held under the Equal Connect program.
During his presentation, Bossio said: "In the framework of inclusion policies, such as the Universal and Son, the Connect program Equality is central to digitally include public school students around the country" .
Moreover, the holder of the work highlighted ANSES undertaken by different agencies so that each student has their netbook. He added: "We identify the computer with each child, through the Cuil, to optimize the delivery process of netbooks."
The seminar is organized by the ANSES, the Ministry of Education, the educational portal and the Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI). The same is done for 17 and March 18 at the Sheraton Hotel Retiro, with free admission.
The Equal Connect program aims to distribute more than three million netbooks among public high school students, special education and teacher training institutes in the period 2010-2012. So far, ANSES delivered more than 360,000 computers around the country. In parallel, develop digital content and work processes to transform teacher education paradigms, models and processes of learning and teaching. Communication Area Youth Solidarity
I am your pitcher (when I shatter?) I am your drink (when I go bitter?) I, your garment; I, your craft. Without me what reason have you?
Without me what house where intimate words await you? I, velvet sandal that falls from your foot. I, cloak dropping from your shoulder. What will you do, God? It troubles me.
Youth Solidarity launched a series of cultural events for Memory
With a cinema-rock debate on national and dictatorship, the NGO began the cycle in the framework of the Day National Memory for Truth and Justice. It was the first of a series of Solidarity Youth activities take place between this week and next, with the aim of promoting youth engagement on memory and human rights, promoting different values \u200b\u200bfor greater participation.
The cycle began on Monday with a conference on national rock and civil-military dictatorship. Young people came to the headquarters of the organization has in R. Peña 3285 for participating in the activity. 19hs was projected to a chapter of Perhaps Because: National History Rock, a documentary directed by Maximilian Canal Ezzaoul Meeting. After a discussion took place, which also involved some artists of the city joined the initiative.
day was closed with a toast in celebration of the exiled artists and repressed during that period of dictatorship, as well as in celebration of the freedom of expression that exists today and cultural process that is going through.
The activities organized by Solidarity Youth continue throughout the week, and like every year the NGO will participate in the march on Thursday 24.
Numeracy classes in 3C this week are taking on the topic of 3 Dimensional objects (or 3D to you and me).
We've been learning the names of some of the 3D shapes and have enjoyed making some of our own. Over the next few days we will be learning how to describe 3D shapes by their features and maybe even making some of our own to take home.
Here's what we've come up with so far:
Pentagonal Prism
Pentagonal Pyramid
Triangular Prism
Tetrahedron, Square Based Pyramid and Triangular Prism