Sunday, July 31, 2011

I Come Home

Le Montagne St.Victoire, by Paul Cézanne

I come home from the soaring
in which I lost myself.
I was song, and the refrain which is God
is still roaring in my ears.

Now I am still
and plain:
no more words.

From The Book of Hours I, 50
Como é complicado quando gostamos de alguém que não sente o mesmo. Todos me dizem que tenho que chegar e falar, agarrar e tal, mas não é bem assim, gosto dele de um jeito puro, diferente de todos, sim nasci na época errada, tenho um espirito velho, mas não consigo fazer algo que não esta em mim.
Fui disposta a ter respostar, e obtive, não foram claras exatamente, mas com toda a experiencia percebi que não é bem o que "Eu" quero, na verdade quero, mas ao mesmo tempo não quero, é bom estar com esse sentimento, mas ao mesmo tempo não, mas sei que não vai acontecer nada, não fico alimentando algo que sei que não vai acontecer, ambos vivemos em mundos diferentes, e realmente sei que ele merece alguém melhor que eu. Infelizmente. 
É tão bom quando olho nos olhos dele e me apaixono novamente, e pareço uma criança com um presente que tanto queria. Com um simples olhar é um motivo para que meu coração entre em combustão, fico feliz só de vê-lo por perto, é algo tão lindo e puro ao mesmo tempo. Uma confusão se sensações de emoções que não trocaria por nada.
Agora que ele se foi, que levará tempo para nos encontrarmos novamente, fico triste, parece que algo me falta, fico mais de uma semana com essa sensação, mas vou lembrar por mais tempo ainda, como foi bom estar com ele mais uma vez.
Just Friends...


Daily Thoughts 7/31/2011

Jim Collins (James C. Collins), an American business consultant, author of "Built to Last" and "Good to Great". By Mangoed on Wikmedia, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Daily Thoughts 7/31/2011

I have been reading more of The Successful Business Plan this morning and doing the exercises.  Two of the exercises are very interesting; they are creating an ideal customer first as a consumer customer, then as a business customer.  It is interesting because it helps give you a sense of what people actually do in the publishing and book business.

Some of the publications they might read are: Publishers Weekly, LIbrary Journal, School Library Journal, The Bookseller, Slate, The New Yorker, The Huffington Post (They have written a number of articles in support of libraries), The New York Times, Slate, Editor and Publisher, and the New York Review of Books for consumers.  For companies, I would add Fast Company, Inc., Crain's New York Business, Forbes, and Teleread.

Part of the profile includes websites that they might visit:   Mashable, Locusmag, Romantic Times, Library Journal Online, LIS News, Mediabistro, Galleycat, O'Relly, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Strand Books, Tools of Change For Publishing, Book Expo America, Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, Meetup.  I would furthers add subsections of Linked In like (Ebooks, Ebook Readers,Digial Books, and Digital Content Publishing), Ebooks In Libraries, and Tools of Change for Publishing.  For Meetups, I might add Content Strategy New York City,  Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art,  Digital Book World New York City, and others.

This is not the first time that I have done this kind of exercise.  For a while, I sold some books on Ebay and ABE (Advanced Book Exchange) to see what it was like, I also used to pick books and comics from flea markets and garages sales when I had more time to trade a long time ago.   I still get the family discount from Rogers Time Machine in Manhattan. This is too time intensive now.  Also, I used to price sometimes for a small bookstore that no longer exists.  Several months ago, I was also working on the beginnings of an idea for a startup for about three months, but it did not work out.

I put the book Nonprofit Management 101 by Darien Rodriguez Hayman on hold.  Darien Rodriguez Hayman was the director for the Craigslist Foundation.  I saw the book listed on the Social Media For Nonprofits Conference New York which is on August 4, 2011.

I spent some time talking to a close friend today, David Grayson.  He is writing a column on The Haiku Foundation called Religio about religion and haiku which is rather interesting.

Onion Domes and Brick Buildings


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via Moscow Daily Photo by Ashira on 7/30/11

Brick buildings, apartment blocks, an overly large Mercedes-Benz logo which sits atop one of the apartment blocks, a star from one of the Kremlin towers, and the ubiquitous onion domes of the Kremlin churches - must be Moscow!
posted by Ashira


Things you can do from here:


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Summer Fruit

Still Life with apples, grapes, pears and peaches

Full round apple, peach, pear, blackberry.
Each speaks life and death
into the mouth. Look
at the face of a child eating them.

The tastes come from afar
and slowly grow nameless on the tongue.
Where there were words, discoveries flow,
released from within the fruit.

What we call apple—dare to say what it is,
this sweetness which first condensed itself
so that, in the tasting, it may burst forth

and be known in all its meanings
of sun and earth and here.
How immense, the act and the pleasure of it.

Sonnets to Orpheus I, 13

Into the Sun


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via Moscow Daily Photo by Irina on 7/30/11

I like to make "the standing-in front of-the-sun" shots. I know they look the same and not professional. And being the amateur photographer I never know how the shot will turn out, it is always the adventure for me. The problem happens when amateur decides that the photo is worth sharing))).

The first photo shows the contours of business center constructed in the beginning of 21st century. 
The second photo was made in the beginning of last summer and shows the site in normal daylight. In 2010 it was rather grey day and the lady in swimming suit was inviting to go to Egypt for vacations..

I have recently found out that the tower in these photos was nicknamed by anonymous people living around. They call it "Canis'(dog's) .." (well, switch on your imagination and knowledge of sharp English words).
It is amazing how exact and sensible can be the street language. Everything is here: attitude to modern Moscow architecture, humor, satire, bitterness.

Posted by Irina.


Things you can do from here:



foto: mariposa

"No te preocupes, no tienes que decirme nada
vine porque te escuché llamándome,
te escuche mientras tus lágrimas caían por ese hermoso rostro que diseñé desde antes que existieras.
Vengo hoy ante ti porque nunca he podido ver que alguien que amo sufra y piense que estás sol@, que no hay salida, o que la vida es un suspiro  perdido en el deseo de ser feliz. 
Vengo porque he estado observándote día y noche mientras caminas, corres, sales, entras, y tratas de ocultar lo que tu corazón hoy siente.
Sé exactamente lo que te pasa, sé exactamente lo que te hace falta, lo sé desde antes que me lo pidieras, por eso estoy aquí"
Autor :desconocido

Daily Thoughts 7/30/2011

Portrait of Leo Tolstoy

Daily Thoughts 7/30/2011

I spent some more time reading The Successful Business Plan this morning.  I also took some notes and added to a document I have started writing which is slowly taking form.  I am not in an incredible hurry.  I might have something ready by the beginning of September. I also put the books Six Weeks Start Up and Successful Business Research by Rhonda Abrams on hold.  The writing is very easy to follow.

I also spent some time looking at social networks for books, specifically, Bookmesh and Red Lemonade which is a publishing network 

This afternoon, I looked through Publishers Weekly, Teleread, and Mashable for articles.  I also logged into our library network and took some time to look at EBSCO.

New Arbat Street


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via Moscow Daily Photo by Ashira on 7/30/11

Looking down New Arbat Street. The large buildings are apartment blocks, and they line nearly the entire street! The views from the tops must be amazing, from there you can see nearly half the city. I've never been up there, but I've seen pictures taken from the top floors and even the roof - simply breathtaking.
posted by Ashira


Things you can do from here:


Friday, July 29, 2011


The Shelter of Your Heart

The House with the Green Eye

Who knows: eyes may be watching us
from all sides. Ah, only stumbling toward you
am I no longer on display. Growing into you,
I am forever set invisibly
in the darkening shelter of your heart.

Uncollected Poems

Daily Thoughts 7/29/2011

Riley, James Whitcomb: “An Old Sweetheart of Mine” (1902) Study, Chair, and Bookcase

Daily Thoughts 7/29/2011

Today, I checked the Twitter account, checked the book sale, and checked the displays.  I spent some time talking to our new sales representative from Better World Books.  I like to think of Better World Books as a more acceptable way of letting our discards go.  They take old library discards and sell them.  I also like to think of the book sale next to the circulation desk as a way to generate good will.

I read two copies of the New York Times Book Review today and checked the purchase alerts to see what people are placing on hold.  I also placed the book The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan on hold.  It was reviewed in the New York Times Book Review.

We also got some more donations today.  There were a few young adult books worth adding.  I also compiled the monthly statistics today.

On the way home, I read some more of The Successful Business Plan and did some basic exercises to outline questions about the type of business I would be interested in doing.

Mostrando defeitos

E então chegou a sexta-feira e é hora de falar mal da decoração alheia.
Falar mal não, é hora de implicar mesmo!
Então, vamos direto ao que não interessa:

Quem quer reproduzir uma foto dessas na decoração da própria casa?

Beijos e bom fim de semana!

Miranda Cosgrove cutie pic in pink

Miranda Cosgrove is an American film and television actress, and she's born May 14, 1993. for 2011 Miranda Cosgrove is 18 years old. Here Miranda pictures when she wearing very short shorts pants and pink dress when shes performed on the stage. She's so cutie looking.

Brenda Song 2011 pic


teenager celebrity Brenda Song is an American actress, film producer, and model, even she has the asian face. Brenda song was born on March 27,1988 in Carmichael, California. She's best known on the Disney Channel Movie, The Clue actress. this years, Brenda is 23 years old.

Here Brenda Song Pictures on 2011 Palm Springs International.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Gazelle (Gazella Dorcas)

Turn, my lover, and be like a gazelle
or like a young stag on the rugged hills
- painting of the Song of Songs

Enchanted one: how can the harmony of two
Latin words ever attain the rhythm
that ripples through you like a promise.
From your brow rise leaf and lyre.

And all that is you turns to metaphor
in love poems whose phrases light
as rose petals remain in the expression
of one who, after reading, closes her eyes

to see you: almost in flight,
borne away in leaps that cease their springing
only when you stand stock still to listen;

as when a woman bathing in a woodland stream
pauses suddenly, and the water
mirrors her quick-turned face.

New Poems

Cada coisa em seu lugar

Olha que jeito mais fofo de organizar as coisas:

Acho que dá pra fazer com feltro, lã e cola quente. Alguém se arrisca?

Foto daqui.



LAKE QUINSIGAMOND PARK (Indian name, anyway)

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