Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Springtime People

Amoureux de Vence, by Marc Chagall

We are no longer innocent; but we must make every effort to become primitive so that we can begin again each time, and from our hearts. We must become springtime people in order to find the summer, whose greatness we must herald.

Early Journals


Estava eu cheretando para variar, quando vi esse vídeo, e de repente me deu uma saudade.
Sei que vi eles, mas sabe, sinto saudade do convívio, daquela coisa de estar lado a lado, sempre junto, fazendo graça nas aulas, rindo e rindo, ouvindo musica, dormindo, não fazendo lição, saudade da época que todos eram apenas amigos, que tudo era "normal"
Creio que só eu ainda não recuperei essa "separação".
Saudade do Inferno dessa turma, de estar ao lado deles de manhã.
Laís, Luana, Amanda, Prescila, Rafael, João, Bruno, Samuel,Thiago,sinto tanta falta de conviver com vocês, de segunda a sexta.
Vou guardar boas lembranças de vocês.


Para Variar.

É para variar ele não me sai da cabeça, e os pensamentos que ficam rodando e rodando. Penso como você me vê, se realmente me vê, tudo em você é tão complicado.
Tudo isso me confunde cada vez mais, me deixa mais louca, aquelas musicas me rodeiam, e fazem questão de tocar  e me fazer lembrar de você, e simplesmente um sorriso surgi em meu rosto.
Porque você me confunde tanto em? O pessoa chata, isso é bizonho..


Hermosas estrellas

"Las hermosas estrellas que vemos en el cielo nocturno siguen brillando durante el día, simplemente no las podemos ver debido a la luz del sol. 
¿Qué belleza yace dentro de nuestra oscuridad que la luz puede revelar? "

Daily Thoughts 5/31/2011 (libraries)

Lesser Ury: Im Café Bauer (aus: Berliner Malerei im 19. Jahrhundert. Siedller Verlag), 1898

Daily Thoughts 5/31/2011

Today has been a quiet day.  I checked the displays and updated the Twitter account.  I also worked a bit on ordering and read Kirkus Reviews and Booklist.

I put Idea Man by Paul Allen on hold.  Paul Allen is a co-founder of microsoft.  Also the book, The Lost Fleet Beyond the Frontier Dreadnaught by Jack Campbell came in for me to read.  It is part of a popular military space opera series.

Web Bits

BEA 2011

Drive User Engagement Via Social Media, Day of Dialog Panel Urges


Karin Slaughter on Saving Libraries


Bottled Lightning Superbatteries, Electric Cars, and the New Lithium Economy by Seth Fletcher

Bottled Lightning Superbatteries, Electric Cars, and the New Lithium Economy by Seth Fletcher

This is a history of batteries which make the electric car possible.  Seth Fletcher describes the invention of the battery from its beginnings to modern lithium-ion batteries.  It is about more than cars, because lithium batteries were first used in computers and cell phones before they were used in cars.

The book is very much a pro electric car book focused on the benefits of electric cars.  He enthusiastically describes the Chevrolet Volt, the Nissan Leaf, and the Tesla Roadster as the hope for our future.  His focus is not on hybrid electric cars, but on cars that are purely run by batteries.

I very much enjoyed reading about the lithium mines in Chile and Bolivia.  The largest lithium reserves are in Bolivia.  Seth Fletcher describes his visits to the mines.

There is an excellent reminder that ultimately lithium ion batteries are about more than cars.  Large power plants are starting to use giant lithium ion batteries as back up power storage.  This will grow with the increased use of wind and solar power.

This book is worth reading if you are interested in alternative energy or automobiles.  It is more of a story about batteries than just cars. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

What Kind of Courage Is Required of Us?

What kind of courage is required of us?

Imagine a person taken out of his room, and without preparation or transition placed on the heights of a great mountain range. He would feel an unparalleled insecurity, an almost annihilating abandonment to the nameless. He would feel he was falling into outer space or shattering into a thousand pieces. What enormous lie would his brain concoct in order to give meaning to this and validate his senses? In such a way do all measures and distances change for the one who realizes his solitude. These changes are often sudden and, as with the person on the mountain peak, bring strange feelings and fantasies that are almost unbearable. But it is necessary for us to experience that too. We must accept our reality in all its immensity. Everything, even the unheard of, must be possible within it. This is, in the end, the only kind of courage that is required of us: the courage to meet the strangest, most awesome, and most inexplicable of phenomena.

Borgeby gärd, Sweden, August 12, 1904
Letters to a Young Poet

Creators of the Superheroes by Thomas Andrae

Creators of the Superheroes Interviews and Commentary about Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Bob Kane, Bill Finger, Jerry Robinson, Jack Kirby, and Will Eisner by Thomas Andrae

This book gives a very close look at the personal stories behind the creation of the first superheroes; Batman, Superman, Captain America, the Fantastic Four, and others.  It is more than just about the art of the comics, it is about how the comic business was created.  The book fits in with other books printed by Hermes Press which has many reprints and biographical works on early comics.

The life stories in this book are often tragic.  Bill Finger one of the first writers of Batman got very little credit and died destitute.  The artists often got very little money from doing comics, most of it went to the publishers.   Most of the artists worked on a commission per page.  Unless you were Jack Kirby and had a solid business sense and a huge readership, or Will Eisner who ran his own company, there was very little money as a comic books artist.

There are many interesting details in the book.  I like the photographs and drawings of the women who inspired the creation of Lois Lane.  The book has over 400 illustrations in it.  It is also a coffee table size book.  Many of the images are photographs of the artists life, original comic book panels, and pictures from movies or films.  Jack Kirby, Jerry Siegel, and Joe Shuster were movie buffs.  Also Batman and Superman were made into films.

The majority of the text in this book is interviews. A lot of this is about the creative process in making comics.  It also has quite a bit about the artists personal lives.  Thrown in are interesting tidbits like the name Clark Kent is a combination of the movie actors, Clark Gable and Kent Taylor, and Batman's cape was designed after Leonardo's DaVinci's flying machine.

I especially liked the section on Will Eisner.  Will Eisner is considered the creator of the first graphic novel, A Contract With God.  He is also credited with making strong efforts to turn comics into an art form for adults.  He wrote comics as instruction manuals for the army.  This makes his approach different.

This is a fantastic book with beautiful illustrations, excellent interviews, and unique content.  If you are interested in the history of comics you should read this.


Agradecimentos, Dieta Coletiva e outras coisitas mais.

Olá meninas!
Quero agradecer todas que deixaram recadinhos carinhosos e também aquelas que não escreveram, mas pensaram em mim. Cada vez que eu entrava aqui era uma verdadeira sessão terapêutica.
Com o tempo agora vou colocando minhas visitas em ordem, então me espera com uma Coca gelada (Diet, com limão por favor) que qualquer hora eu tô chegando.
E como não há mal humor que resista a um bom fim de semana, não seria o meu que quebraria essa regra.

Após uma semana pesada e mal humorada , minha dica para a Dieta Coletiva é:
Pouquíssimas vezes na minha vida tive crises compulsivas. Essa semana tive uma. A sensação é horrível! Sinceramente, imagino o terror que deve ser para quem tem crises constantes. Minha compulsão é por doces, especialmente o chocolate, coisa que normalmente não me atrai tanto.
Em uma das minhas observações, pedidas pela minha endocrinologista, ficou claríssimo que as minhas emoções interferiam rápida e diretamente no meu peso. Principalmente a raiva. Um dia com raiva é um dia ganhando peso.
Então, se você já está fazendo o Diário Alimentar, preste uma atenção especial à relação sentimentos x peso.

E pra começar bem a semana, nada melhor que uma boa dose de inspiração para o dia dos namorados:

Que tal um belo pique-nique?

E vocês o que andam pensando fazer no dia dos namorados?

Beijos e boa semana!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Favourite Angelina Jolie Pictures


Has you all know Thomb Raiders Movie ? right,Angelina Jolie is an Actress on the movie.she's look sexy and so wonderful.but,for me,i love to see Angelina in natural beauty as a women,not as Lara Croft.and here i have Angelina Jolie Pictures in natural beauty.she's like an angel.

Angelina Jolie Pictures in natural beauty photo

Angelina+Jolie+beauty.jpg Angelina+Jolie+beauty+02.jpg Angelina+Jolie+beauty+03.jpg
Click on the image to increase image size.other teen celebrity picture,check bellow.

Alicia Keys Best Quality Pictures


Here I have Alicia Keys (born January 25, 1981) pictures in best moment and good pose.who's Alicia Keys ? she's an American recording artist, musician and actres.

alicia-keys.jpg Alicia-Keys-Photoshoot.jpg Alicia-Keys-201.jpg

Click on the Alicia Keys image to increase image size.other teen celebrity picture,check bellow.

Best Jessica Alba Pictures


While Jessica Alba did not getting maried,she was a beautiful and sexy female celebrity with chinese face look.but,after Jessica getting married,she's not looking good anymore.eventhough for this years she's got pregnant for her second babies.let she Jessica Alba while she's in pretty look.

Best Jessica Alba Pictures before Married

jessica-alba-hairstyle-8.jpg jessica-alba-1.jpg jessica-alba.jpg

Click on the image to increase image size.other teen celebrity picture,check bellow.