Thursday, May 19, 2011

Daily Thoughts 5/19/2011 (63 Documents)

La lecture du testament; lithographie; 31 x 24 cm,Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761–1845)

Daily Thoughts 5/19/2011

Today, I checked the displays, updated the Twitter account, checked the book sale, and moved some more boxers into the area for pickup by Better World Books.

I also went through and did a bunch of small tasks, putting in books for last copy, checking missing titles, and printing up some more flyers and brochures for programs. 

We also opened the computer lab for two hours so people could use the computers for serious activities like searching for jobs, working on their small businesses, and learning to use computers.  I also spent a few minutes talking to a computer teacher today.  We may have someone soon.

On the way home, I read some of Jesse Ventura 63 Documents The Government Doesn't Want You To Read. This is a set of interesting declassified documents about various horrible things like CIA assassination guidelines, repatriating nazis, biological and chemical warfare, syphilis experiments in Guatemala, how Rwanda was initially handled by the United States government, and other interesting topics.  It makes for fascinating reading.

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