Sunday, June 26, 2011

Daily Thoughts 6/27/2011

Woman Reading, Pieter Janssens Elinga (1623–1682)

Daily Thoughts 6/27/2011

Today has been a nice day.  I updated the displays and checked the Twitter account.  I also printed up some flyers for the Adult Summer Reading program.   We had our announcement for Adult Summer Reading and Young Adult Summer Reading today.  The name for the adult program is Novel Destinations and the young adult program is You Are Here.

We had people sign up in the lobby next to the art gallery in the rotunda and announced the programs.  I think it went well. I am planning a few things including book chats and an end of summer reading tea for the adults.

I started reading Ark by Stephen Baxter last night.  Also the book, The Geeks Shall Inherit The Earth came in for me to read.

After reading one of David Brin's opinion pieces, I placed the book World Wide Mind The Coming Integration of Humanity, Machines and the Internet by Michael Chorost on hold. It is supposed to be a positive take on the singularity.

Weightless Books which is an epublisher for independent presses has the Jeff Vandermeer book Secret Lives for $2.99 which is a very good deal.

Web Bit

Ereader ownership doubles in the last 12 months

As Wi-Fi Havens And E-Book Centers, Public Libraries Aren't Going Away Soon by Kit Eaton.  There is something reassuring about having support from Fast Company.  It shows that there are some forward looking businesses supporting libraries.

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