Monday, July 4, 2011

Mr. Cusack's Favourite week at John Bramston, so far...

Last week, we were lucky to spend the whole week doing different types of art. This was because it was... Arts Week!

It quickly became my favourite week at school. Y3C really got into the idea of Arts Week (trying to improve your art skills) and enjoyed exploring the different aspects of our theme. The whole school theme was 'Africa' (handy, as it's our current topic, hee hee!) but we also focussed on another theme - Portraits.

We started the week by investigating the artist known as Andy Warhol. He was well known for his 'Pop Art' portraits of famous celebrities. Y3C came up with unique expressions to express their own personalities and to use as the base for their own Warhol paintings. Here are a few:

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