Saturday, September 17, 2011

Daily Thoughts 9/17/2011

Steve Jobs while introducing the iPad in San Francisco on 27th January 2010. Version without watermark and with reduced noise in the background. Matt Buchanan, 27, January 2010, from Wikimedia  Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 ,

Daily Thoughts 9/17/2011

This morning, I udpated the Twitter and Facebook accounts.  I also spent a little more time on watching training videos.

While reading The Steve Jobs Way, I learned that the slogan "Pirates!Not the Navy" is an Apple computer slogan about the way they run their business.  It means that people need to be very good to survive at what they do and have strong leaders.  I had heard the slogan before was not sure where it came from.  I also learned that the underlying philosophy is focused on combining design with technology.  The product design is as important as the technology.

Web Bits

October 16-22 is National Friends of the Library Week

The next Friends of the Mount Vernon Public Library meeting is on September 19, at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.  Please consider coming.

Banned Books Week Virtual Read Out on Youtube

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