Thursday, September 22, 2011



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via Moscow Daily Photo by Irina on 9/22/11

I can not find any info about this building, but, hopefully, it is one of the 18 century rarities (not the stylization, Moscow was filling with during last decades), which form the beautiful facades of Bolshaya Ordinka street.
At least it felt as very cozy and warm old place when I sat there with my coffee yesterday evening.

When I left the building, I saw another rarity nearby also kept in very good shape. "Moskvich" auto. It was launched during 1957-1963, 50% of the cars exported, there were even right-hand drive models.

These two look good together.

Wiki about "Moskvich".

The building at the daylight.

Google map.

Posted by Irina.


Things you can do from here:


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