Thursday, September 29, 2011

Daily Thoughts 9/29/2011

Ferdinand Bol, Portrait of a Scholar, cerca 1650
Daily Thoughts 9/29/2011

This morning, I read some more of The Swerve by Stephen Greenblatt.  The author is writing about Paggio Bracciolini, a man obsessed with books and reading.  The time period is around 1417.  Stephen Greenblatt describes reading as a kind of freedom.  Paggio is seeking copied books from Roman antiquity that were preserved and copied in monasteries.  They are works of authors like Cicero, Catullus, and Ovid.

I checked the displays, updated the Twitter and Facebook accounts and checked the gift books.  We had a nice copy of The Egyptian Book of the Dead which was added as well some new paperbacks by James Patterson.

I spent some time going through the patron requests. A few of the books like That Used to be Us by Thomas Friedman and Explosive Eighteen by Janet Evanovich looked interesting.

I also spent some more time on studying Microsoft Word 2007 and Drupal.
The New York Librarians Meetup has many members attending New York Comic Con  as part of the professional day on Thursday.  The American Library Association will be there as well.  There are a number of library related events on Thursday, October 13.

On the way home, I finished reading The Swerve.  Stephen Greenblatt describes the influence of On the Nature of Things  by Lucretius on Thomas More who wrote Utopia, Thomas Jefferson, and Giordano Bruno.  The book very much promotes Epicurean philosophy.  It is a bit different than my own view on the world.

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