Saturday, September 10, 2011

Daily Thoughts 9/10/2011

  Printer's Device of Johannes Froben. Tempera on canvas, heightened with gold, 44 × 31 cm.Johannes Froben (c. 1460–1527) was a noted printer in Basel, for whom Holbein worked and whose portrait he painted. Holbein probably painted the device to hang in Froben's printing shop; and it has survived because Froben's grandson gave it to the Holbein collector Basilius Amerbach in 1583. According to art historian John Rowlands: "The advice of St Matthew, 10:16, is symbolized by the pagan image of Mercury's staff, the symbol of concord, on which a dove is perched between two serpents: "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves".[1] Mercury is traditionally regarded as the god of commerce and trade. Holbein did not invent the device, which Froben had used in his publications from 1517.

Daily Thoughts 9/10/2011

This morning, I checked the Twitter and Facebook accounts.  I also took some time to read a little bit more of Blur.  The authors are describing the transition of journalism from print mediums like newspapers to electronic mediums like radio and television to digital mediums like the internet.

I also spent a little bit more time on learning Indesign CS5.

I  watched a little bit of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Lightning Thief on dvd . It uses a lot of mythical creatures and gods from Greek mythology in a modern setting.  It is a young adult fantasy series.  We also have the graphic novel and the books by Rick Riordan at the library.  They are very popular.

An article about a reception for the Local History Room.

Web Bits

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