Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Daily Thoughts 9/13/2011

The painting collection of Johann Noë Gogel, oil on wood. 1776 Christian Stocklin

Daily Thoughts 9/13/2011

On the way to work, I finished reading The Influencing Machine Brooke Gladstone on the Media.  The last part I was reading was on objectivity, bias, and transparency.  The idea of complete transparency is bothersome.  Transparency does not allow for much anonymity or privacy.

This morning, I updated the Twitter and Facebook accounts and checked the displays.  I also spent some time on Lynda.com studying Indesign CS5.  I also started an introductory course for Drupal and signed up for http://www.drupal.org

A bit on the fresco, "Decorative composition of Gobelin Tapestries" for the Mt. Vernon Public done by Louise Brann. http://www.mountvernonpubliclibrary.org/node/286

There is a special meeting of the Board of Trustees tonight at 6:30 p.m.

I read some more of Blur on the way home.  The authors describe how aggregating and selecting news is a form of editing.  Trusted sites become places where people go for news.  People who can successfully select and manage aggregated content are performing a type of journalism.  This is worth thinking about.

Web Bits

Very nice poster of Abraham Lincoln reading.

 Lawsuit Seeks The Removal of Digital Book Collection


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