Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Daily Thoughts 9/14/2011

Image based on a photograph of James Fenimore Cooper by Brady, 1850

Daily Thoughts 9/14/2011

I finished reading Blur this morning on the train.  The authors call for a new way of approaching journalism that is related to new media.

I updated the Twitter and Facebook accounts.  We also had the Internet Job Search Hour today in the Computer Lab.  I spent an hour helping people search for jobs.  I also received the invoice for the computer classes on Tuesday nights.  These are going well.

I spent a little time preparing orders for books for the Job Information Center, mainly civil service test books.  Books for clerical exams, police officer exams, firefighter exams, case worker exams and other civil service positions.

I also spent a little bit of time on listening to videos on Indesign.  It is a slow, steady process.

I put the book, Just My Type: A Book on Fonts by Simon Garfield on hold.  It should be interesting reading if you like design.

Web Bits

Mysterious Paper Sculptures Found in Scottish Libraries

Librarian Census

This is a rather interesting article.  It has some faults though.  If you group information science with library science, it tells a very different story.  It is a story of information migrating outside of libraries to be managed in large repositories.  Many information architects have a library background.  The story of the migration of many librarians into information technology would be an interesting one to look at.

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