Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Former Andreevsky Monastery


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via Moscow Daily Photo by Irina on 9/6/11

Today I show you round the former Andreevsky monastery. First mention in the chronicles dated 13 - 14 century.

The patron of monastery, Fedor Rtishev, in XVII century organized here the school, which became the prototype of "Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy" and Moscow University later. In 1731 academy was taken from Andreevsky monastery. The place was transformed into a shelter for foundlings and homeless children, in 1764 here they arranged the almshouse.

Since 1924 the rooms were used as apartments, later some scientific research institute was located here.

The buildings were returned to Orthodox church in 1992, at a moment the Orthodox library is open here for the readers.

Located near one of the largest Moscow highways on one side and Moskva-river on the other side, the place is surprisingly peaceful and quiet. It is small and thoughtfully decorated with flowers and trees. I highly recommend to visit if(when) you are in Moscow.
Recently restored church


View from the observation point I showed you yesterday.

Top view was taken from here.

Google map.

Posted by Irina


Things you can do from here:


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