Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Daily Thoughts 9/7/2011

The Novel Reading I, oil on wood painting by Josef Danhauser, 1841, 63 x 78,8 cm. Belvedere, Vienna

Daily Thoughts 9/7/2011

I read some more of A Dance With Dragons this morning.  I am enjoying the fantasy novel.

This afternoon, we had our E-reader presentation.  It ran a half hour past the allotted time of 2:00-3:30 p.m. Most of the program came from this presentation
The presenter reminded us that things changed day to day with E-readers.  He also reminded us that tablets would be a separate program.  Tablets are something which are quite intriguing.

There were a few interesting ideas that came from the presentation.  The first was that there were a lot of different options available for getting ebooks.  We could purchase them from both storefronts and vendors. 

The second idea was that you could easily get the school assignment for the high schools and get many of the classic books that are assigned as ebooks for free and purchase the other titles to create a complete assignment E-reader.

After the E-reader presentation, I wrote the bi-monthly report for the collection development department.  A lot of my time during the last two months has been focused on improving our website.

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